If you're eating all the same foods you used to before you were getting that
feeling, have you checked the ingredient lists again? They sometimes change
and the manufacturer doesn't have to announce the fact as long as the label
is updated. You could eat something "Safe" one day and buy it the next week
and it's changed. I have taken to reading the ingredient list on EVERYTHING
I buy, even if I bought it a couple of days before. I had one instance where
I bought several items of the SAME THING and the ingredients changed from
one to the next. Even when I bought them on the same day! It takes longer in
the grocery store, but not feeling sick is worth it.
PS: For those seeking chocolate... the Soy Delicious Chocolate Obsession
"Ice Cream" is awesome, especially when you're craving chocolate! which, for
me, seems to be a lot, but that could just be the stress. lol.

>From: Gertie <[log in to unmask]>
>Amazing, isn't it? :) I'm having a lot of "crud" lately, though, and I
>know why. Except that I must be eating dairy SOMEthing - but I can't figure
>what it might be. I'm wondering if I've developed or also have another food
>allergy of some kind. Don't know yet :(