How dare Yaya, in the midst of the suffering of Gambians, spend our money to
satisfy his lunacy?  This is an opportunity for the minority in the Assembly
to do a fact finding and call a press release to inform Gambians about the
criminal behavior of Yaya in acquiring this aircraft.   The Republic of
China should be served notice that their days of Gambian support are
numbered for their dollar diplomacy they have with Yaya, not Gambia, but
Yaya.  This is no gift folks and we should stop calling it a gift.  The
media is also sleeping at the switch on this one, by not probing into this
scam.  NADD should tackle this issue and let Gambians know that at the time
of their lowest point, Yaya is still spendthrift at their expense and they
can change that by booting him out.  Meanwhile, Gambians live in abject
poverty; under total darkness; no health care; poor education system; failed
as a nation; massive unemployment and underemployment; disillusionment of
the youth; neglect of retirees; and marginalization and demoralization of
the farming community, among numerous other failures and hardship brought
about by Yaya and a criminal disorganization called the APRC machinery.  How
many lives could the price of that aircraft have changed for the better, yet
the Dix of Kanilai saw it fit to satisfy his ego.  What happened to
Millennium Airlines?  That was your money too folks.  Anything that Yaya
spends that is not from his meager salary is yours Gambians, even if it is a
bribe from The ROC, Ghadafi, or fellow criminals around the globe.  You have
the power to strip him of all this and stop the abuse.

New Presidential Carrier Arrives
Friday 28th October 2005

The government has announced the arrival of a new Presidential aircraft at
the Banjul International Airport in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

A press release from the Office of the President says the carrier – an IL 62
N Aircraft is equipped with modern safety devices and conveniences including
a VIP configuration.

The release says that the aircraft has been acquired within the framework of
the technical assistance and the friendly relationship between The Gambia
and the Republic of China on Taiwan.

This latest gesture by the Taiwanese government is a further manifestation
of the ever-increasing mutual support and friendship between Banjul and
Taipei the release stated.

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