Sounds like they have something to fill worried about.  Or they suffer from parinoa.  They also sound like users and take advantage of people like Vern and you.  I beleive you did the right thing.  They may have to hit bottom before they realize and learn to be responsible.  And this maybe the only way they learn is being out on the street. 
Fahter in Heaven we know you love Gary and his wife and know you would have them do the right thing and be responsible.  Help them so they see their wrong and make it right.  Be with loving Pat and Vern help them to do the right things and give them peace.  Thank you Jesus in your precious name we pay Amen
I would like to say God bless America but, they keep pushing him away.
Lets bring him back spresd the word reach others and lets put him back
in out schools and country

Karen Carter '74
Rugged Cross Ministries
-------------- Original message --------------

> Dear Loving EChurch family,
> I have several prayer requests please.
> In may of 2005, we rented Dad's house to Gary and Janet Appland. Gary did
> not have a job at that time, but he did pay for the first and last months
> rent with cash, and he had been kicked out of their house they were renting
> by their previous landlord, and Gary also had quit his job, or he had been
> fired from his job, we really don't know all the details. We felt sorry for
> them, and rented to them. We bought them groceries, we put gas in his
> truck, we gave them things, and we tried to be kind to them. Gary got a job
> here in town, but it didn't last long, because he quit that job and went to
> work for another farmer, which he had said he would never work for another
> farmer again. They have never paid their rent on time. We didn't check
> these things out like we should have.
> Vernon did try to approach Gary, when he kindly asked for some money and
> this was over a week ago. Gary got mad at Vernon and started yelling at
> him. Vernon did not want to argue with him, so he just walked away.
> Unfortunately, we have had to send them a notice of eviction. They have
> broken their lease they signed with us in May. We hated to do this, but
> they were 2 months behind in their rent, and we know for a fact that they
> have not been honest with us. One of the hospitals in this area has
> garnished Gary's wages, and we may have to do the same, but I highly doubt
> that we can do that, so we're just out almost $1200.00 for the rent,
> utilities, and the rest of the security and pet deposits which have never
> been completely paid for.
> Gary and Janet have done several things that broke the lease. Among several
> of the things they have done, are that They were not picking up after their
> dog, and they were asked to get their own trash can, but they have not done it.
> We have had to enter the house to work on plumming or different things, but
> We have never entered the house without letting them know first, and Janet
> has been very rude to Vernon.
> Janet could have gotten a job to help them out with their financial
> situation, but she does not want to work, and we've never said anything to
> her about that, as we feel it is not our business to do that.
> They have been accusing us of spying on them, we have never done or even
> thought of doing such a thing. They said they hate everyone here in De
> Smet, as they think everyone is spying on them, and of course that is not
> at all true.
> I've been praying about all this but I feel I've not received any
> particular direction from God yet as to what to do in this situation. We
> feel bad about this, and we really hated to do this.
> We are going to see our lawyer this afternoon to see what our legal rights are.
> Please pray for us that we do the right thing, and that there is no
> confrontation between Gary and Janet and us.
> We are also having health insurance problems, and I've been doctoring quite
> a lot lately with some health issues, and we just found out that our doctor
> is not going to take our new health insurence. We don't know what to do now.
> Please pray for Vernon that He will seek God's wisdom in all these things.
> We're in a great financial bind right now. Michael has even helpped us pay
> for gas, as we've been taking him places that he wants to see, and he
> understands the distance between far away places. Michael has been more
> than kind, and he's been helping withchores around the house such as
> laundry, cooking, cleaning, and everything he can. He's been helping me
> with computer stuff as well, wow! He has so much knowledge, and he is so
> excellent at presenting his knowledge and he is excellent at training. I
> believe that God sent him to us, and Michael and I have been working on our
> web site. It will be totally new and different and please pray that we can
> get it up on the server no later than Wednesday evening. Michael is so
> gifted with computer knowledge and I told him that his mission in life is
> to help others. He loves helping others in any way he can.
> I'm praising God for Michael's friendship. We hate to see him leave next
> Monday, as we've had such a wonderful time with Michael and we hope he'll
> come back and visit us next year at Christmas time.
> Please pray for a safe trip back to Malta for him. Please pray for some
> personal issues for Michael that he has to face when he returns to Malta.
> These things are not easy, and please pray for God's wisdom and for
> increased faith in God for Michael.
> Also, please pray that if it is God's will for Michael to move to the USA
> that God will show Michael that knowledge and that He will provide a job
> for him in the USA. Please also pray for female companionship for Michael
> as well.
> I'm sorry this is so long.
> Thank you very much for praying. I love you all so very much. I've been
> reading all the messages and I've been praying for all of you.
> Love and Blessings,
> Pat Ferguson