Haley Mills ?  We all threw Ju-Ju Bees at the screen when she came on, giving her the zits ; my older brother went one step further , incensed that they replaced Gunga Din for Pollyanna  he and his merry men who were adept at chemistry, made a stink bomb that cleared out the Sat afternoon theater.....
Nah ...culturally ,despite my poor mothers misgivings, we were bigger fans of East side Gang , the Stooges ,Laurel and Hardy ,abbot and Costello, Little Rascals, Honeymooners
and the ribald jokes of Soupy Sales ...  Im not sure but Haley(if she is still with us)  has got to be pushing 60.....boy heart throbs .?.Annette Funichello for about a year until my brother said she was dopey .....Py