
The Fall colours are here!   Brilliant orange Mountain Ash lurking behind
cedars outside the window with all the subtilty of a Sylvester Stalone
movie.   Kitchen oven making smells as delicious as the colours across the

Wishing you and all the B-P'ers a Happy Thanksgiving today and tomorrow,
depending on which day you decide to roast your Canadian turkey.

The Pres. seems to be trying to roast it every day of the week by ignoring
continuing Court decisions about the Softwood Lumber Treaty.   Do you even
hear about it, and are you protesting or is it "one of those things" not
spoken of below the border.

Anyway, I know you appreciate the value of our Canadian lumber even if the
Pres. and the US lumber barons don't.   They say the cost of a house would
be more than $1,000 less in the US if the officialdom followed legal
international agreements.

cp in bc
(happy not to be a pine tree)

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