Im having a major problem with high cpu usage.
My computer is a Dell 4600 , 3.00 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4, 896 Megabytes InNV
stalled Memory, Maxtor 4R120L0 [Hard drive],WDC WD800BB-75JHC0 [Hard drive,NividaGeForce FX 5200, and a Creative SB Audigy LS sound card.
I used to play poker on line, download movies from Ares and Lime wire,check my e-mail, and convert a movie file and my cpu would hit around 70%, which I thought was quite good.
Now if im playing poker on line and even try to run my Avg virus scan , it pegs at 100% cpu, and slows down the computer so bad, it will barely run.
Heres what Ive done to try and fix the problem.

Subject: 100% cpu usage

The main cause I have found is actually a problem with the way explorer handles avi files! Let me explain a bit, it you have an incomplete avi file, or a damaged avi file, explorer will read it frame by frame to determine it's properties (such as video size, length etc..)
You can confirm this by starting the task manager next time it happens, I know it will takes ages to open but be patient! if you see that explorer.exe is the process using all your CPU do the following:
1. Open up regedit
2. Goto HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\.avi\shellex\PropertyHandler
3. Delete the "Default" value which should be "{87D62D94-71B3-4b9a-9489-5FE6850DC73E}"
I did this and it worked.Everything went back to normal for awhile.Then my computer crashed( long story ), so I did a complete reinstall of oper system.Problems back, so did the reg thing again, but this time it didnt work.
I contacted dell( comp still under warenty}. Make a long story short, Dell replaced the hard drive, motherboard, processer, fan, heat sink, and the ram.
Still have same problem, so I kept thinking I must have a virus or worm.I f disk and reformatted the hard drive and installed oper system again, and still have high cpu usage when i try to do almost anything on my computer.
By the way it doesnt matter which hard drive I boot to, same problem on both.
 Any help would be greatly appericated, thank you.

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