On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 22:23:59 -0700, David Gillett <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>  It may be that higher-level parts of the establishment of a connection are
>timing out and giving up before lower-level pieces have had time to sort
>themselves out.  Can you run "ipconfig /all >foo.txt" and then paste the
>foo.txt file into a reply so we can see what it shows when she has just
>booted and doesn't have a working connection?
>David Gillett
>On 27 Sep 2005 at 9:41, Gordon Totty wrote:
>> Daughter's Win2K-Pro computer shares Internet connection with me and
>> gets a strong signal from the wireless access point, WAP, but on first
>> boot it will not connect.  However, if she reboots, it connects to the
>> Internet.  This "experiment" has been repeated at least a dozen times,
>> so it is not a coincidence.  Why would a reboot be required to
>> establish a connection?  How can I fix this for her?
>> Thanks in advance for any leads on this vexing problem.
>> Gordon Totty
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Windows 2000 does not appear to support ipconfig with the modifiers suggested (/all >foo.txt).  The command "executes" (or not) in an eyeblink, and there is no foo.txt file in the computer afterwards.  The comment about timing may be a clue however.  I have successfully connected without rebooting, but only after running the WAP's diagnostics.  I plan to try just waiting and seeing if a connection ultimately occurs.  Thanks for the suggestions.

Another suggestion had been to "repair" the connection.  I have no such command available, but running the diagnostics seems to effect a repair.  Or, maybe just waiting does the trick.  The diagnostics never report a problem.

Gordon Totty

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