
Your suggestions are well noted, and I hope the Gambia-L management will take these advices and act upon them.  The scary thing in passing the management or ownership to someone or some group is the chance one may be taken off as a subscriber if he or she does not see eye to eye with the list ownership.  To have every member chip in his or her contribution to the operation of the G-L will be an empowering tool.  We will be at ease, in speaking our minds without the fear of intimidation from anyone.

Lamin Tunkara.

From:  Jassey Conteh <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To:  Jassey Conteh <[log in to unmask]>
To:  [log in to unmask]
Subject:  Re: [Fwd: Disconnect of Maelstrom service]- It is final
Date:  Thu, 13 Oct 2005 14:16:48 -0400
>Mr. Hydara:
>I join in support of an independent list server group separate from any present list server group.  I suggest that Gambia L management, with input from Gambia L subscribers create an independent server group.
>Every present and future members of Gambia L should pay a minimum fee to join this group.  This in my view, may avoid future problems with any list server group that is owned by a specific group or person.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mustapha Hydara <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Oct 13, 2005 10:57 AM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: [Fwd: Disconnect of Maelstrom service]- It is final
>Hi Fellows,
>I know for certain that we all have much to commend the pioneers of this
>list server that is making us to interact costlessly on event happening
>back home in the Gambia.So Bravo to all the List Management and
>In my opinion as the providers are disconnecting GambiaL from the server,
>it will be idea for us Gambia to take a cost and provide a mail server that
>could independently stay for the rest of our willing. Or as the proposition
>to link with will be a great idea but in that I felt
>there need to be a modification of the site to include other services.
>Defiantely if Gambians can interact by using St.Johns University to host
>this list for
>um for years, we need to strategies issues to independantly
>operate our own list server or by subscription to other providers.
>Again it will be much better if we can have a site that can also allow
>Gambians to chat online from the same server we are for the forum.Forum
>board are wonderful but directly chating with fellow subscribers online
>will be quite enhancing and will be useful to Gambians in many ways as
>follows to my opinion.
>1 Actual contacts and corresponding of opionion to acertain current
>information happening home and abroad.
>2. To seek for relaible contacts to address personal matters  and other
>issues without using calling card.
>3. Provide opportunities for those seeking relationship with Gambian abroad.
>4.It will help students to interact with others beyond Gambia to set a
>foundation of exchange and alot of stuffs.
>5.Organization can seek from Gambian good will ambassadors to help
>contribute morally and financial towards their efforts.
>6.Promoting the art products of Gambians and music as well.
>Providing an access for Gambian to fully harmonize IT previllages can be
>more successful if GambiaL take the lead and now is the best time as from
>February we shall no more use St.John's server for daily posting.So where
>ever we are to hook up for service, lets go in for a modern service that
>has lot of opportunities.
>For the already a couple of people have who offered to host GambiaL like
>Amadou Kabir Njie and Abdoulie Jallow (BambaLaye).This is wonderful and as
>few core values mentioned in previous mail is important as well.But my
>concern is providing a chat window will help us more to interact. I know is
>we stand on a proposition to use Yahoo group, our changes to chat may occur
>but knowing the presence of someone is narrow.So lets see what is best.
>Other may have an idea as ho
>w GambiaL can be modify to meet the recent
>technology prospects. This can be a center of discussion as is important
>for all of us then other issues that we are concentrating.
>We all have a word to explore and find out the ideal site that GambiaL can
>be connected to.
>Malang and other folks will be much greatful to hear from us all.
>Mustapha Hydara
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