<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to everyone for their responses.  I have cut and pasted them below.

I take Kirkaman Labs Prenatal vitamin.  The pills
are standard size and you take 2 daily.  Their website
is www.kirkmanlabs.com  I don't think you can order
the prenatals on the website, I'm not sure if they are
even listed on the website.  I always call and make an
order over the phone.  Kirkman Labs specializes in
gluten and casien free vitmans, supplements, and other
things.  I've been very happy with their
multi-vitamins and pre-natal vitamins.

I also checked up on Ethex one time.  They make a
chewable pre-natal that was gluten free 3 years ago.

Here are 3 that I found out were GF. PrimaCare ONE, Natelle EZ, Prenatal One
Multivitamin (Whole Foods)

I have been using the PrimaCare one-it is a rx, but my OB gave me samples.
It is not a small pill but it is coated and goes down easy. I have had no
problems with it. I also have samples of the Natelle EZ but haven't tried it
yet, although it is smaller (also rx.) I would SO NOT recommend the Whole
Foods one by Rainbow Light. It was a huge green pill that made me nauseus
just to smell it. Ugh! I copied my emails from the manufacturers below and
they were all recent. I do remember checking into some previousy that
contained barley and oats however I can't remember what the name was, but I
was surprised to see it.

On behalf of the Ther-Rx Corporation, a subsidiary of KV Pharmaceutical,
thank you for your recent inquiry.

We have reviewed the active and inactive ingredients in PrimaCare ONE and
have not identified any derivatives of wheat, rye, oats, or barley.
Therefore, we believe this product to be gluten-free. Please note that we do
not test specifically for the presence of gluten so we cannot guarantee its
absence; however, based upon our review and contacting suppliers of various
materials, we do not believe gluten is present. Likewise, we do not
knowingly manufacture this product with or near other pharmaceuticals
containing gluten.

All Natelle products are gluten free.  Natelle EZ is a Kosher approved
product.  It is under continuous supervision during manufacture by the Rabbi
and therefore does not have any contact with gluten related products. Thank
you for your interest in Natelle EZ.

Thank you for your interest in Rainbow Light Nutritional Systems. Our
Prenatal One Multivitamin is free of gluten. However, our products are
manufactured in a facility that makes products for other people. Even though
the machines are cleaned,sanitized, and wiped down between manufacturing
runs, it's possible that micro-fine particles can be suspended in the air.
We feel it's important that those with extreme allergies should be aware of
this potential for minute cross-contamination. I hope this information is
helpful. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of further assistance.

B-natal TheraPop     8/3/2005
Our products are wheat and gluten free, but the facilities we use to
manufacture cannot guarantee that cross contamination has not occurred.

What I'm taking now does not qualify as a small pill but it is verified
gluten free according to the company. I buy it at Vitamin World in the mall.
It is distributed by them as "Pre-Natal Complex" and has all the vitamins
and minerals in normal prenatals plus ginger root, cranberry and peppermint
oil for the tummy. It is like $14.50 for 120 caplets.

I use the Spring Valley brand found at Wal-Mart.  I don't know that
you'll get much smaller than that, considering what is in it.  I just
verified its GF status.  The person I talked to was very knowledgeable
about CD and what GF required

se  Novanatal (or Novonatal).. Its not too big and its easy to
swallow-- this is an Rx.

I loooooved the Freeda vitamins, prenatal plus extra calcium.  i took the
ones you have to take 3X a day because I assumed they'd be smaller.

I also liked Rainbow Light, and they weren't big at all.  YOu can get them
at Whole Foods, however I'm not sure they're careful about cross

Freeda makes one... www.freedavitamins.com   They do have a small one.

freeda vitamins (freedavitamins.com) has a prenatal 1 a day that i took.
you need to take extra calcium (at another time of day) because it's got a
lot of iron and they compete for absorption.  it's not a huge pill, but not
small either.  at least it's only one pill.

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