Ebou, just as I told you in my previous posting, you are a fool! a very big fool for that matter. It’s your right to support Jammeh! No one forces anybody to support any party, we are all free to support any we feel we should, or even decide to support none at all.

"If they can fail in a simple task of putting together a functional political alliance, why should any sane Gambian ever trust them in running a competent government much more win an election with an established incumbent...?"

This statement constitutes gross fallacy. If not explain to people how they failed in this respect. On the contrary how do you expect Gambians to continue supporting and voting for Jammeh and the APRC, when he himself:

 Is a criminal, has no respect and regards for the laws he vowed to abide by, has no morals, cannot speak good English and does not understand the Law and Politics but would not learn, is a Murderer and a lair?

“The majority of the Gambians in the US have never casted a single ballot in their entire lives, they only care about what they can hassle out of the US, they shall never vote for anything, and they don't give a damn about Gambia as long as they can afford to pay rent or mortgage.”

LOL (Laugh out loud), This is you, you are on exile, and hence you cannot go home, you do not deem it necessary to contribute anything towards Gambian progress, all you care about is what you eat and where you sleep.

“Some talk about democracy, human rights, and rule of law.... only to demonstrate the most twisted and debased traits of dystopia the next minute they encounter an Ebou Jallow- be it the man, the myth or the legend. But I have news for them: I don't give a damn about any of you.”

As for you Ebou, because of what you are, you will always be encountered by people with sober and independent minds. So forget it! Anytime you fuck, you’re gonna be fucked! Unless you start using your brain to think, instead of your back-side opening.

“I don’t give a damn about any of you.” WHO?

“Yaya Jammeh is very serious about his job and I know that he cares about the Gambia more than any of these damn saber-rattling politicians.”

If you knew this why didn’t you stay in Gambia and work together with the Thing you call Jammeh? Have you forgotten; you traited them steal money and abscond to the states, and now you are on “self-imposed exile”. My goodness you are not a free man even, should you be talking at all, people on Exile close their chatter-boxes up! We are free men, we live by what we earn legally, but you rely on stealing to survive! Shame on you! Perhaps you are supporting Jammeh because both of you are thieves, “DIRIMO BU MAG BI AK DIRIMO BU NDAW BI”. Any day you step foot home you’re gonna be cuffed man and taken to “your hotel.” Jammeh must roast and enjoy the last bit of your ruined being!!! “BOY PULLO, JEMALA DEF NDOH SA BUPA BU RAYE BI, DOFF NGA LOL”

Ebou Jallow <[log in to unmask]> wrote: Comrade Jassey-Conteh,

My old friend I feel your pain...although we have radically different politics. It is this very same Gambians rambling rubbish online, especially the STGP, that have put the Gambian opposition in the royal mess they find themselves...Although I would also have to point out the opposition's political naivety and ludicrous incompetence: When the going gets tough they first whined about the National Assembly clerk, then bitched about the Supreme Court decision, moan about their self-inflicted loss and groan about the APRC changing the electoral rules. NADD has blamed everything for their catastrophic failure but themselves. If they can fail in a simple task of putting together a functional political alliance, why should any sane Gambian ever trust them in running a competent government much more win an election with an established incumbent...? Recently, Ousaino Darboe went on a junket across the continental US looking for money with all kinds of desperate nonsense concerning his
relationship with NADD whilst systematically avoiding tough questions about the multifarious scandals, scheming and politicking within his own UDP. NADD politicians, beside the little pecuniary gifts and overnight sleep overs at Holiday Inns they enjoy whilst in the US, have absolutely no reason to even listen to any Gambian in the Diaspora. The majority of the Gambians in the US have never casted a single ballot in their entire lifes, they only care about what they can hassle out of the US, they shall never vote for anything, and they don't give a damn about Gambia as long as they can afford to pay rent or mortgage. Everything else they say about Gambian politics is nothing but some narrow minded empty posturing, colorful rhetoric within the safe shores of America and worst- hypocritical self-righteousness.
Some talk about democracy, human rights, and rule of law....only to demonstrate the most twisted and debased traits of dystopia the next minute they encounter an Ebou Jallow- be it the man, the myth or the legend. But I have news for them: I don't give a damn about any of you. Serious/decent people don't bitch and whine about other people. They take action that produces results. Yaya Jammeh is very serious about his job and I know that he cares about the Gambia more than any of these damn saber-rattling politicians. NADD's constant nauseating noise is nothing but a reflection of their collective ineptitude,hatred, shame, envy, wrath, lust for power and a burning desire for vengeance that shall consume them one of these days. NADD shall burn with risible disgrace and end up in the dustbin of Gambian history- you can take this to the Bank of England.


Ebou Jallow

Jassey Conteh wrote:

While reading exchanges between Ebou Jallow and those in the opposition, I shook with shame that some
of Jammeh's strong critics on Gambial have not contributed a dime to the September 29 bye-election for NADD. While you deserve the right to not contribute, your actions have some consolation for Ebou Jallow and the APRC dictatorship. Are you constantly criticizing Jammeh on record in obtaining a green card?

We in Raleigh, NC are hereby calling on our comrades residing in our city to match their words with their deeds. If you can take time to criticize Jammeh on Gambial, you should reach in your wallet and contribute to the September 29 bye-election for NADD. If you don't know where to send your contributions, please email me at [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask] and I will give you the name of the point person.

We cannot condemn Ebou and refuse to help the very course that we are advocating for. Please don't let Ebou and the rest of the dictatorship laugh at us. If you can rent a car, and a hotel during the 4th of July festivities, you can contribute at least $100 to NADD. Until you do such, your words are meaningless.

God Bless the Gambia. May we have a yahyaless Gambia. Down with the APRC dictatorship in the Gambia.

Comade Jassey-Conteh

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