Father in Heaven we know you know Gretchen and love her.  change her hheart Lord to desire you only.  Thank you Father in Your Precious Name we pray amen
When Satan is knocking on your door. Simply say, "Jesus could you get that for me?"
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> For many months now, Gretchen has been drifting away from the Lord and her
> family. By the way, I removed her from the list before writing this
> message. I don't think she was reading the echurch mail anyhow. Gretchen
> is back to lying all the time, associating with people with whom she
> shouldn't, smoking, she has been caught more than once, and we don't know if
> she has done any drugs but we have strong suspicions that she has been drunk
> when we were on our vacation and I would bet money that, at the very least,
> she has smoked some dope. She is never where she claims she is when away
> from home either. My son's drapery shop was doing extremely well when they
> hired Gretchen. They were scheduled 6 to 8 weeks out. Now, they have lost
> a lot of money and the business has steadily declined. Now, they are lucky
> if they have one week of work in advance and last week, they were down to
> just two days of week. They have gone without paychecks a couple of times
> recently in order to pay bills and taxes. The business has had to borrow
> money to stay open. Some of you already think I'm a screw ball so you won't
> mind what I am about to say. I have told my son that I personally believe
> the lack in business has direct relationship to Gretchen's employment since
> it is a family owned business. Additionally, I have known for several
> weeks, that spiritual fiddling with relationships within my own family
> realm, has been occurring, and even to the degree it has touched at least
> one of the people with whom I pray on a regular bases. So, I am being
> pressed, due to circumstances that are effecting my family, to make another
> decision that isn't going to be easy to make. I'd appreciate your prayers
> because this involves two little boys who never did anything to deserve what
> they have had to face in their little lives. By the way, I left out a whole
> ton of things that have been going on so what you just read is only the tip
> of the iceberg.
> Phil.