I eat sardines virtually every day plus loads of high purine foods ie
asparagus, spinach, scallops etc -- my Uric Acid level from my last
physical was 4.5.  The scale is 1.7-7.5 -- so eating very high levels of
purines hasn't given me high uric acid.  Lutz and Allen mention in their
book Life Without Bread that their patients who had high uric acid levels
saw it drop on a low-carb regime and believe that carbohydrates esp.
fructose and sorbitol cause a rise in uric acid. Hence, they believe that
anyone suffering form high uric acid levels should restrict their
carbohydrate.  They do acknowledge that some people do see their uric acid
rise on a low carb regime and believe that this is due to a metabolic
defect.  It's not a paleo book per se but I think Life Without Bread is a
very good read.