E, did you really use this phrase: "exploiting the plight of the citizens"?
Now, wait a minute now, not so fast!  Did you not steal from Gambians?
Haah!  Did the Yaya you are "chinksing" not chase you for stealing his loot?
  Shame on you for forgetting.


>From: <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
>To: <[log in to unmask]>, <[log in to unmask]>,
><[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 20:27:55 -0400
>[ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering by <[log in to unmask]>
> > May be three million dollars will had been a good start for The Gambia
>to be self sufficent in rice and oil. Halifa Sallah keep saying that the
>Jammeh government did not do any thing to improve and expand the productive
>base of the economy but now I understand why. You have just exibit your
>ignorance and that of Jammeh.
>Kebba Foon
> > From: Ebou Jallow <[log in to unmask]>
> > Date: 2005/09/08 Thu PM 06:49:35 EDT
> > To: [log in to unmask],  [log in to unmask]
> >
> > Mr. Mbai,
> >
> > The Gambia does produce neither rice nor oil on its own...as such the
>prices of these goods are determined by foreign markets way beyond the
>reach of Jammeh or any other future president of Gambia.  Naturally these
>endemic economic problems usually give the opposition latitude to make
>empty promises whilst exploiting the plight of the citizens.  Economies are
>the consequence of human actions but not human design.  It is not some
>sought of machine one can tinker with in order to make your constituency
>happy.  No one on this planet can control an economy.  The best that
>government can do is make pro-business regulations, and make very minimal
>interventions at peculiar circumstances.
> >
> > Ebou
> >
> > panderry mbai <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> >
> > September 8, 2005
> > Gambia - As Gambians continue to be gripped by economic and political
>uncertainties, the price of rice, the country's main stable food had risen
>to D700 dalasis, the ALLGAMBIAN online newspaper can reveal.
> >
> > The local business Community in the tiny West African country, says the
>hikes on the price of rice was due to the high cost of foreign exchange.
>They informed the ALLGAMBIAN about the difficulties, they usually
>encountered in importing rice into the country. They cite among other
>things, the acute foreign exchange and high Port charges to import rice
>into impoverished nation.
> >
> > Meanwhile, the unprecedented rice price increment had been greeted with
>mixed reaction across the country. While some communities blamed the
>business sector for imposing what they called such "exorbitant price"
>others accused the Jammeh government of being insensitive to their plight.
>They told the ALLGAMBIAN that despite numerous promises ! by President
>Jammeh to make rice affordable in the country, prices are going up on a
>daily bases.
> >
> > They warned that if the current trend continues, many families will die
>of hunger, as what's happening in some African countries. They told this
>news medium that Jammeh's so called "Operation No Compromise" which was
>designed to tackle inflation and corruption is "buried", as prices of basic
>commodities are hiking these days.
> >
> > While the local populace complaint about the exorbitant rice price, many
>families up country says they have stopped eating rice. Many told the
>ALLGAMBIAN that thanks to the coos and corn they harvested they are able to
> >
> > The business Community who spoke to our reporter says they have little
>control on the current hikes on rice prices. They warned that prices are
>likely go up in months to come, as one of them pointed out that "the
>current economic trend is not changing for the better. "They told the
>ALLGAMBIAN that if the trend c! ontinues they will be unable to import rice
>into the country in the long run, pointing out that they cannot bring rice
>into The Gambia, when the local populace cannot afford its cost.
> >
> > An economic expert, who spoke to the ALLGAMBIAN says, there had been a
>dramatic decline in Gambia's import cover in recent times. The economist
>attributed this to what he called the depreciating dalasis against major
>international currencies. The economic expert also hinted that due to lack
>of investors and serious economic activities the country is unable to meet
>its basic import cover. Our source went further to explain that the
>country's economy is not moving and the government is spending more money
>on projects, which bring little or no money for the country.
> >
> > An insider at the Central Bank of The Gambia told the ALLGAMBIAN that,
>in an attempt to tackle the cash shortage hitting the country, they have
>embarked on a "vigorous" fund raising program by organising treasury bills
>tenders.! This said the insider, will help the regime in meeting certain
>monetary projects, which the source said are currently at stand still.
> >
> > In a separate development, gas prices have also gone up. Sources say
>there is growing discontent among citizens on the current state of affairs.
> >
> >
> > Go To Top
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>Martin Luther King Jr.,
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