Amen Vinny.  That prosperity preaching gets under my skin.  I believe if Jesus wanted us to be rich materaly he would have been.  He did not even have a place to lay his head.  We are supose to be like Jesus.  We only need the basic eat drink and marry.  And not the bad way.  Eat he gives us our food drink water milk grape juice. and marry to be happy in the Lord.  Now I admit I always wanted my own house and did have it for a while and I still would love to have it but I know it will lnot get me to heaven and my home in heaven is a lot better than any puney house on earth.  And all of this is just going to burn in the end.

When Satan is knocking on your door.  Simply say, "Jesus could you get that for me?"
Karen Carter '74

> Brad, Sorry, I can't find your message right now to reply directly to it.
> I really like that scripture which says give me neither poverty or riches,
> that you quoted.
> When I talk about the prosperity message, I'm basically talking about
> excess, where people are specifically praying for gold cadillacs, and super
> fancy mansions, which become a stumbling blick, and lead to other excesses
> in lifestyles.
> Vinny