That sounds neat Amy I am glad it was a great day.  Praise the Lord

When Satan is knocking on your door.  Simply say, "Jesus could you get that for me?"
Karen Carter '74

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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> Content-Type: text/plain;
>         charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Well, I just got home from being with my best friend.  For my Birthday =
> she gave me a picture frame with a poem in it.  One side is in pring and =
> the other is in braille.  She went and bought a slate and used a paper =
> that she got with the letters on it and wrote this poem out in braille.  =
> I was so amazed when she told me she did it.  Our picture is in the =
> bottom corner.  It was taken the day she was baptised.  She also got me =
> a connect four game and had her brother drill holes in the red pieces so =
> I could tell the difference between black and red.  She even brailled =
> the card she gave me and her Mom did to.  Well, got to go and figure out =
> if my Dad is here asleep or gone with my Mom.  I'm not sure where she =
> went.  She left right when we was getting ready to have the Lord's =
> Supper at church.  The serman was really good today and I hope it spoke =
> to my Mom because it spoke to me.  Well, keep praying for us.
> Later,
> Amy
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> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Well, I just got home from being with =
> my best=20
> friend.&nbsp; For my Birthday she gave me a picture frame with a poem in =
> it.&nbsp; One side is in pring and the other is in braille.&nbsp; She =
> went and=20
> bought a slate and used a paper that she got with the letters on it and =
> wrote=20
> this poem out in braille.&nbsp; I was so amazed when she told me she did =
> it.&nbsp; Our picture is in the bottom corner.&nbsp; It was taken the =
> day she=20
> was baptised.&nbsp; She also got me a connect four game and had her =
> brother=20
> drill holes in the red pieces so I could tell the difference between =
> black and=20
> red.&nbsp; She even brailled the card she gave me and her Mom did =
> to.&nbsp;=20
> Well, got to go and figure out if my Dad is here asleep or gone with my=20
> Mom.&nbsp; I'm not sure where she went.&nbsp; She left right when we was =
> getting=20
> ready to have the Lord's Supper at church.&nbsp; The serman was really =
> good=20
> today and I hope it spoke to my Mom because it spoke to me.&nbsp; Well, =
> keep=20
> praying for us.</FONT></DIV>
> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Later,</FONT></DIV>
> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Amy</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
> ------=_NextPart_000_00A8_01C5B15F.29B40400--