REHABDATA-Connection Information for August

REHABDATA-Connection, from the National Rehabilitation Information Center,
includes new documents in the REHABDATA database last month. For more
information, see the bottom of this message.

5 record(s) found this month:

Search Strategy: Deafness/hearing impairments

1 of 5
American Annals of the Deaf: Reference issue
Author: Moores, Donald F. (Ed.)
Author Institution: Conference of Educational Administrators of Schools and
Programs for the Deaf; Council of American Instructors of the Deaf
Year: 2005
Abstract [truncated]: Annual issue identifies programs and services for
individuals who are deaf. Directory listings are presented for: (1) schools
and educational programs for deaf students in the United States and ... For
more see R08628

2 of 5
Understanding and ameliorating frailty in the elderly
Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation (ISSN 0882-7524)
Author: Storey, Emi; Thomas, Robert L.;
Year: 2004
Abstract [truncated]: Article defines frailty and describes common medical
problems experienced by frail older adults. All frail people exhibit muscle
weakness and many are undernourished. Conditions frequently associated ...
For more see J47825

3 of 5
Discrimination against persons with disabilities: Barriers at every step
Author: Turner, Margery A.; Herbig, Carla; Kaye, Deborah; Fenderson, Julie;
Levy, Diane;
Year: 2005
Abstract [truncated]: Study conducted tests for housing market
discrimination against 2 specific groups of people in the Chicago
metropolitan area: (1) persons who are deaf and used a telephone relay
service to inquire ... For more see O16109

4 of 5
The cost of hearing aids: A discussion with the experts
Hearing Loss (ISSN 1090-6215)
Author: Kelley, Barbara
Year: 2005
Abstract [truncated]: Hearing aid industry leaders, representatives of
organizations interested in hearing health care, and experts in hearing aid
technology discuss what goes into determining the cost of hearing aids....
For more see J49143

5 of 5
Hearing aid use in conjuction with a cochlear implant
Hearing Loss (ISSN 1090-6215)
Author: Zwolan, Teresa A.
Year: 2005
Abstract [truncated]: Article discusses guidelines for recommending and
using a hearing aid in conjunction with a cochlear implant. Recommendations
regarding contralateral hearing aid use are made on a case-by-case basis ...
For more see J49144

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