Pa M'bai:

I don't know if I  agree to all what you have stated here even though  some of arguments seems genuine. But the one point that I have issue with and vehemently disagree with is quoted below:

"No one had ever implied that Jammeh should not engage in farming activities.  What we are against is the way he go about his so called farming. Using our parents for cheap labour is unacceptable and unGambian. We expect Jammeh to be able to take care of his own farming needs without subjecting poverty stricken Gambians into forced labour. Our young and senior citizens deserved some degree of decency and respect".

Since when has Yaya started subjecting our parents to forced labor, and besides whose parents?  I know my parents were not forced to work for anybody.  Look my brother, Yaya Jammeh may be the least on my list of favorable people, and don't get me wrong- I am not here speaking for him.  I am just worried about the hyperbole that many of us have the tendency of doing here on this List.  Call a spade a spade.  Yaya may be our list favorable leader, but to suggest that he force people to work on his farms is a serious accusation that have no base.  Those who work at Yaya's farms do so at their own will because they do not somehow belief he is the devil many of us believe he is.

My brother, please try and be a little careful about what is posted here, because this here is setting a bad precedent to the Listers and those who read this postings.



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