Father in Heaven thank you for your love for Amy and her mother.  thannk you that you lover her mom and will touch and heal her.  thank you for the love of her father and giving him the love for mom.  thank you that you will make all things right and it will all smooth out like glass.  Thank you in yur precious name I pray.

Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

> Rhonda,
>     I'm here, just alot going on.  Please pray for me and my family still.
> Today is my parents anniversary and my Dad took her out to eat yesterday and
> took off work to spend time with her though they didn't do much.  Today Dad
> left her a pair of earings and a card laying out and she didn't move them or
> anything.  If she read the card she put it back.  My Dad said he wrote on
> the card he just doesn't know what to do but he loves her and that's what
> matters.  It really agrivates me.  She doesn't act right toward us and
> hasn't really since we told her how we felt.
>     Also I feel like God is putting together the Ministry group I used to be
> with again and I don't know how to tell my Mom.  I'm just praying that God
> will help me know when the time is right.  I know that it is what God wants
> me to do is be in this group no matter how other people feel.  So, keep me
> in your prayers.
> Thanks,
> Amy
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rhonda" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 7:36 PM
> Subject: anyone out there?
> > I haven't seen many messages lately, are you all  ok?
> > Hi Cindy saw you out there, hope things get better for y ou.  How old are
> > your kids anyway?
> > Rhonda