I can totally agree with that.  If you do not start the day with the Lord it will go astray.

Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

> Rhonda,
> I have been doing that for some time.  NOrmally I get up about 5AM but on
> some mornings when I am leaving out earlier than usual, I will get up at 4AM
> and I have plenty of time to do my daily Bible reading, prayer and time to
> have coffee and breakfast and then to get ready. It is a good time for me
> and I love my time in the morning with the Lord.  I began this about four
> years ago when I was teaching a Sunday school class on prayer.  I had, at
> that time, never had a special devotional time.  Since I would be teaching
> about that, I thought I should have a devotional time or be a hypocrit.  I
> chose to have a devotional time.  It has made a big difference in my life.
> Ned