Well I know it says in the Bible to go to the person and if they don't respond go to a few other christais and then to the whole congration

Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

> Recently a friend and I have been discussing forgiveness.  She was hurt by a
> former pastor, and still feels  angry towards him, I know we are to forgive
> those who hurt us, and it is not even necessary that they apologize, but...
> how does one work through those hurt feelings! when one feels ignored,
> betrayed, and  these feelings exist after several years, there must be more
> there somewhere!
> Is it always necessary to discuss a problem with the one who hurt us,  to
> resolve it?
> and what if we talk and say "I was hurt when  xyz happened" and they act as
> though it was a  trivial thing, and something that should have not concerned
> us!
> Rhonda