On 2005-08-05 Blind-HamsForblindhamradiooperators said:
   >we already have efficient electric cars...time to crawl out of the
   >cave. So i have received 2 remarks from the list full of sarcasm,
   >but not a single helpful suggestion...thought this was a group for
   >helping each other not criticising ideas before actually
   >intelligently considering them...which, in the case of the 2
   >sarcastic remarks, would have probably prevented those remarks
   >given about 5 seconds of healthy thinking on the subject. Think for
   >a couple seconds about a battery packs given current rating and how
   >many amp hours it can provide...then consider how much a radio
   >transmitting at 50 to 100 watts peaking on ssb will draw, in
   >reality over a 1 hour period...then, perhaps, you will maybe
   >understand what i am getting at. 73
Was being as helpful as I can be.  WHen you figure that 7 amp/hour gel
cells such as I've used for portable power each weigh in about 10/12
pounds you're talking some serious weight for packing into the
wilderness.  THis is why if I were looking at such a trek I'd
seriously consider qrp cw.  I'd want to maximize my usage and this
would be the most efficient.
I haven't seen that much of a weight reduction in battery technology
which would deliver this kind of power.  I rigged up a system using a
couple of 7 amp/hour gels to power my gear and float charged it from a
power supply and it works fine for the home station to get me out if
the hurricane takes mains power away but I sure wouldn't want to
backpack it.  IF I had three or four guys going and one guy's pack was
nothing but batteries it might be doable.
Believe me I'm always considering options for self contained power.
Living in this part of the world during hurricane season keeps it on
one's mind especially when involved in possible disaster and emergency
Battery technology has progressed a good deal since I was a kid but
still I don't see the weight savings when you're thinking about
packing them on foot.  Up at University hospital we've got what I
figure to be 3 days' emergency power, but we're not having to pack
those batteries around either.  wHen considering food tents sleeping
bags and fuel for the camp stove you're talking one guy whose main gig
would be packing the power for the radio gear.  This is why if I were
mapping out such an expedition I'd seriously consider my options to be
qrp cw and maybe fm and repeaters.
73 de nf5b

Richard Webb

Electric Spider Productions
                                            "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
--- Benjamin Franklin, NOvember 1755 from the
Historical review of Pennsylvania