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Thou shall not jump the gun. Afterall, the Ghanaian deputy Inspector General of Police knows his son. Blood is thicker than water.


London bomber is not K.K Manfo’s son - British Police
Posted: Aug 15 2005  www.myjoyonline.com

It has now been confirmed by the British Metropolitan Police that the person in police custody alleged to have been connected to the London bombing is not the son of Ghana’s Deputy Inspector General of Police.

Dr. K.K. Manfo’s son, Kwaku Asiedu Manfo was believed to be the man arrested by the London Police in connection with the failed July 21 attacks on London.

The arrested man bares the same name as Dr. Manfo’s son, Kwaku Asiedu Manfo who is said to be mentally handicapped.

According to a statement issued by Ghana’s foreign ministry, the person in question is not related to Dr K.K Manfo and that there has been a case of identity theft.

The High Commission in the UK is yet to have audience with the man arrested.

Dr. K.K. Manfo’s son, Kwaku Asiedu Manfo has now been traced to a hostel in Watford.

The Metropolitan police will be issuing a press statement on the matter in due course, the statement said.

On Wed, 10 Aug 2005 00:06:55 +0000
 f ossia <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> ** Please visit our website:
> http://www.africanassociation.org **
> Obviously, Dr. Manfo doesn't know what his son looks
> like.
> >From: "Wilmot B. Valhmu" <[log in to unmask]>
> >Reply-To: "AAM (African Association of Madison)"
> ><[log in to unmask]>
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Subject: Re: Terrorist Attacks In London - The Ghanaian
> Connection.
> >Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 10:35:05 -0700
> >
> >What on earth is a police guru?
> >
> >On a more serious note:  Can it be credibly verified
> that this alleged
> >Kwaku Manfo was known to be, or was reported, mentally
> ill before July 21,
> >2005?
> >
> >
> >- Wilmot
> >
> >Devine Akabutu <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >Denial, Denial, Denial.
> >
> >Let the truth come out.
> >
> >Devine
> >
> >General News of Tuesday, 9 August 2005Alleged Bomber Is
> Not My Son - deputy
> >IGP Deputy Inspector General of Police, Dr K.K. Manfo
> has in an exclusive
> >interview explained the circumstances which may have led
> to the detention
> >of a certain Kweku Asiedu Manfo in connection with the
> July 21, 2005,
> >bombing in London. Dr K.K. Manfo confirmed that he has a
> son in London who
> >bears the name Kweku Asiedu Manfo, but said the pictures
> that have been
> >released by the Metropolitan Police in London indicates
> that the suspect
> >who appeared before Bow Street Magistrates sitting at
> Belmarsh Magistrates
> >Court, in Belmarsh High Security Prison, South East
> London, was not his
> >son.
> >
> >Dr Manfo said his son, Kweku Asiedu Manfo, has been
> mentally-ill for
> >sometime now in London and has not been seen by his
> elder brother, with
> >whom he lives for several weeks now after he ostensibly
> left home. The
> >Police guru in an interview stated that he had paid
> several visits to
> >London in search of his son in order to bring him home
> for treatment, but
> >they have all proven futile.
> >
> >Asked how his son's name could have been implicated in
> the high profile
> >case, Dr Manfo said he suspects it's a case of mistaken
> identity, or that
> >even if the person involved was his son, he was not
> mentally fit and thus
> >may not have known what was going on.
> >
> >Dr Manfo said there had been reports in the past that
> Kweku Asiedu Manfo
> >had been spotted at some bus stops and train stations
> with sacks on him and
> >wandering aimlessly. Even though he said the pictures on
> British Television
> >of the said Kweku Asiedu Manfo was not his son, he would
> be most surprised
> >if it was otherwise, considering the fact that he was a
> Christian and has
> >not been known to have any links with Islamic religious
> extremists.
> >
> >Meanwhile, Ghana's High Commissioner to the United
> Kingdom, His Excellency
> >Isaac Osei in an interview, noted that Kweku Asiedu
> Manfo is indeed a
> >Ghanaian and added that they will offer him consular
> support if they have
> >assess, as they would do to any Ghanaian living in the
> United Kingdom.
> >
> >Source: PeaceFM
> >
> >All Rights Reserved, 1994
> >
> >
> >---------------------------------
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