thank you.

Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Amen! You are filled with The Holy Spirit! You are loving!

Love and Blessings,
Pat Ferguson

At 05:22 PM 6/30/05, you wrote:
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>What is it that you have read? I was trained in allowing Jesus to reveal
>the roots of certain hurts,
> Here is an example..... you get in an argument with someone and although
> it isn't that big, you feel this huge hurt. If you were to come to me
> with that hurt and tell me how you don't understand why you feel so
> angry...then I would start praying. I would ask you what else are you
> feeling besides that anger, maybe fear because your afraid the person
> will reject you and you will be alone. You would say maybe that of course
> over something so little, that wouldn't happen, but somewhere deep inside
> you feel it. I would ask you for Jesus to show you the where this feeling
> is coming from.
> From there Jesus may show you a picture, give you a word, or something. I
> am saying nothing except asking the Lord to reveal to you what you need
> to know. Jesus may remind you of something that happened when you were
> very young. Something that maybe you had put in the back of your mind
> until now. Maybe someone important walking out of your life, or saying
> something hurtful, and at that time, satan took advantage of that moment
> and planted a lie. A lie that has been believed...that maybe because of
> whatever it was that may have happened, you have felt rejected by certain
> ppl, or unloved or whatever that feeling is....Then, I would ask Jesus to
> speak the truth to you. ...
>Jesus speaks to each one of us in different ways. Some, He gives pictures,
>some He speaks in words, alot of the time, He speaks to me in feeling. And
>when you recieve the word from Him, that He has loved you with an
>everylasting love, when you are able to see the truth from His viewpoint,
>that lie has been removed and replaced with God's truth.
>I will give you a small example of a memory that I had. I was watching a
>tv show and there was a water scene in this movie and all of a sudden I
>felt very uncomfortable. The sound of that water made me frightened. So my
>roomate and I examined that. She asked Jesus to show me why I felt that
>fear. I agreed in silent prayer and waited on God. Eventually God brought
>a memory back of how when I was around 3 years old, I was being given a
>bath and I was crying because soap got in my eyes. My mother became very
>impatient with me and dunked me under the water many times. Not very
>gently I might add. After I remembered all of that, I could feel Jesus
>compassion for me at that state, a frightened little girl. It was as if I
>could feel His tears and I could feel Him holding me in a way. Saying
>"hide in the shadow of My wings" This all happened quietly. Nothing was
>said other than the roomate gently urging me to continue listening to the Lord.
>Maybe that was a little too much info, but I am one who has witnessed many
>emotional, spiritual and physical healings. And when God does the healing
>work, each person has moved closer to the Lord.
>Helen <[log in to unmask]>wrote:
>Dear Phil,
>I had never heard the word "theophostic" until this very hour! Are
>you claiming that your ministry to other believers is this?? I just
>did some research on the web on that subject, and am appalled at what
>I read. Did you receive training through Ed Smith's teachings?
>Just wondering,
>Earlier, Phil Scovell wrote:
> >Cindy,
> >
> >I have recently purchase a voice chat room so I imagine some of that will be
> >going on in the chat room eventually. I'm not completely set up yet but
> >will be shortly. The phone is better, of course, because it allows for a
> >quicker response time.
> >
> >Phil.
> Your White Lily Candle consultant!
>**Want to know what a day in Heaven is like? Then come to
>-They may forget what you did but they will never forget how you made them
>feel.--Carl Buechner
>Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

What is it that you have read? I was trained in allowing Jesus to
>reveal the roots of certain hurts,


 Here is an example..... you get in an argument with
>someone and although it isn't that big, you feel this huge hurt. If you
>were to come to me with that hurt and tell me how you don't understand why
>you feel so angry...then I would start praying. I would ask you what else
>are you feeling besides that anger, maybe fear because your afraid the
>person will reject you and you will be alone. You would say maybe that of
>course over something so little, that wouldn't happen, but somewhere deep
>inside you feel it. I would ask you for Jesus to show you the where this
>feeling is coming from.


From there Jesus may show you a picture, give you a word, or
>something. I am saying nothing except asking the Lord to reveal to you
>what you need to know. Jesus may remind you of something that happened
>when you were very young. Something that maybe you had put in the back of
>your mind until now. Maybe someone important walking out of your life, or
>saying something hurtful, and at that time, satan took advantage of that
>moment and planted a lie. A lie that has been believed...that maybe
>because of whatever it was that may have happened, you have felt rejected
>by certain ppl, or unloved or whatever that feeling is....Then, I would
>ask Jesus to speak the truth to you. ...


Jesus speaks to each one of us in different ways. Some, He gives
>pictures, some He speaks in words, alot of the time, He speaks to me in
>feeling. And when you recieve the word from Him, that He has loved you
>with an everylasting love, when you are able to see the truth from His
>viewpoint, that lie has been removed and replaced with God's truth.


I will give you a small example of a memory that I had. I was
>watching a tv show and there was a water scene in this movie and all of a
>sudden I felt very uncomfortable. The sound of that water made me
>frightened. So my roomate and I examined that. She asked Jesus to show me
>why I felt that fear. I agreed in silent prayer and waited on God.
>Eventually God brought a memory back of how when I was around 3 years old,
>I was being given a bath and I was crying because soap got in my eyes. My
>mother became very impatient with me and dunked me under the water many
>times. Not very gently I might add. After I remembered all of that, I
>could feel Jesus compassion for me at that state, a frightened little
>girl. It was as if I could feel His tears and I could feel Him holding me
>in a way. Saying "hide in the shadow of My wings"  This all happened
>quietly. Nothing was said other than the roomate gently urging me to
>continue listening to the Lord.


Maybe that was a little too much info, but I am one who has witnessed
>many emotional, spiritual and physical healings. And when God does the
>healing work, each person has moved closer to the Lord.



Helen <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear Phil,

I had never heard the
>word "theophostic" until this very hour! Are
you claiming that your
>ministry to other believers is this?? I just
did some research on the
>web on that subject, and am appalled at what
I read. Did you receive
>training through Ed Smith's teachings?


Earlier, Phil Scovell
>I have recently purchase a voice chat
>room so I imagine some of that will be
>going on in the chat room
>eventually. I'm not completely set up yet but
>will be shortly. The
>phone is better, of course, because it allows for a
>response time.






>face="arial black"> Your White Lily Candle

>face="arial black">**Want to know what a day in
>Heaven is like? Then come to


>size=5>-They may forget what you did but they will never forget how you
>made them feel.--Carl


 Your White Lily Candle consultant!
**Want to know what a day in Heaven is like? Then come to
-They may forget what you did but they will never forget how you made them feel.--Carl Buechner