Father in Heaven continue to be with Vicki's uncle and his care givers change hearts Lord Jesus.  In your precious name I pray Amen

Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

> Hi,
> Just an update.  I sure appreciate your prayers.  Please keep them coming.
> I spoke with my uncle tonight finally.  They're sending him home he says
> tomorrow.  He doesn't really seem to know anything else about his care.  So
> don't know if this is true.  If it is, don't know if it is a good thing or
> not.  I'm thinking that it might not be.  Either way, he's still not very
> well.  My aunt wasn't there and there was a nurse in the room.  I could hear
> her in the background.  He said they were doing some kind of test.  So
> please continue to pray for his physical healing and the chance to talk with
> him about his soul.
> Thanks again, all of you.
> Vicki