On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 12:09:51 -0700, Paula <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Perhaps more info will be available as the protein zonulin that was
>discovered in the mid 90s will be studied more. Zonulin is "permanently
>turned on" in celiacs and type one diabetics and probably in inflammatory
>diseases also. It may also be involved in some mental diseases as zonulin
>also regulates the tight junctions of the blood brain barrier as well as
>tight junctions of the intestines. For some interesting reads try a google
>of zonulin.

Many thanks, I'd not heard of zonulin, having stopped formal studies some
time back.

I've just had a quick scan of the first article I found and it looks very
interesting. I have little time at the computer today, so will respond
when I've read a little more deeply tomorrow.

