On Fri, 22 Jul 2005 15:04:59 -0600, wayne hammons
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I shake my head when I read caloric restriction as a means to weight loss.

Thanks so much for the informative post Wayne.  One thing I notice is that
you are taller than average at 6'2" -- so you undoubtedly can lose weight
on far more calories than a short person. While I think carb
restriction/reduction is the primary mechanism for successful fat loss -- I
do think that calories matter too for smaller than average people --
especially middle aged women.  When I was younger, I could stay very slim
on a high calorie, very low carb regime.  From my mid thirties to now --
almost 42 -- this simply wasn't working any more.  Now I must pay attention
to portions as well as carbs.  Also, I thing stopping food intake around 3
hours before bedtime (Cordain's suggestion) and doing some sort of exercise
(even a brief walk) BEFORE breakfast have also made a huge difference.

My limiting protein experiment a la Cordain seems to be continuing to work
(but unlike Rosedale's recommendations, I do not restrict saturated fat at
all -- on the contrary, I've been eating more coconut oil than ever).  I
weighed in at 113 this morning (5 more to go to make my goal weight).