>From: panderry mbai <[log in to unmask]>
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>Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 18:03:10 +0100 (BST)
>The people of Brufut are mourning the deaths  of eight young men whose
>identities is yet  to be established.  The whole nation is shocked by this
>high profile murder.   What's disturbing is that the police is yet to come
>up with any leads as to who must have been behind this heinous and
>dastardly act.
>There are different theories being advanced for the deaths of these young
>men.  While the police Crime Coordinator was quoted by the local media as
>saying that the incident appeared to be a "foul play" many people in the
>streets of Banjul and its surrounding towns said the incident looked like
>an organised crime group operating in the tiny West African country.
>The fundamental questions that comes to mind is:  What's the purpose of
>such killings?  Who is/are to benefit from such ungodly act?  Why choosing
>Brufut as the slaughtering ground?
>The saddest thing about these killings is that non of the murdered young
>men  were found with an identification card,  in short (ID).  This
>confirmed well founded suspicion that the whole issue was well coordinated.
>   Determining the IDS of these young murdered youths is a  billion dollar
>question today in The Gambia.   As usual, the police could not tell
>Gambians what led to the killing of the youths.
>Call it yet another  act of genocide, you make no mistake.  Call it
>terrorism, you make no mistake.  We want to join the bereaved families in
>mourning the deaths.  We hope and pray that the perpetrators of this
>dreadful act would be apprehended sooner or later.  That justice is meted
>out to them without delay.
>While some government sympathisers want us to believe that those killed
>were non Gambians,observers wondered  how come that such gruesome murder
>was carried out in Gambia's soil without the state knowing anything about
>it.   Is the administration of president Yahya Jammeh telling us that our
>territorial security is so weak and fragile that outsiders can storm The
>Gambia and killed these youths in Brufut,  without the NIA, police and the
>Gambia's GNA border guards knowing anything about it.?  Is the government
>of the day telling us that there is another organised crime group in the
>country, beside the so called "Green Boys"?  Worrying times in The Gambia.
>  That people can be killed with impunity.  That these killer(s) are still
>walking in the streets as free men.
>The Brufut mass murder resembles, the Rwandan "genocide", where  civilians
>were summarily executed in grand style.   Is the same scenario being
>practise in The Gambia?  What we are saying is that the government should
>do justice to itself and end these madness taking place in The Gambia.   If
>Yahya Jammeh feels that he  cannot protect Gambians and non Gambians are
>like, he should vacate the presidency honourably.
>The security of the state is indeed threatened.  These reports of
>mysterious murders, abductions, torture and unlawful arrests does not speak
>well of a regime which is notorious of being undemocratic.
>While the killings of these youths is attracting a lot of controversy in
>The Gambia, a  top security chief  in The Gambia  said "the murder must
>have some political connotations in view of what he called the mounting
>political tension in the tiny West African country".  The security chief
>says"there is reason for any action and i do believe that these killings
>are not isolated incidents.  We must thoroughly looked at how the bodies
>were disposed in the outskirt of Brufut.  We must start asking whether
>these youths were possessing information that may affect certain
>individuals in the country.  Sometimes accomplices do resort to such
>barbaric acts.  I'm not implying  that this is the real cause, but it could
>be a possible factor for the killing of these youths.
>The security chief says such high profile murders are usually masterminded
>by individuals whose interests is affected in a particular revelation.
>"Such revelations may involve the issue of state security, business and
>economic issues. "said the security chief.
>There is also this talk of a possible ritual.  Ritual for what?  Ritual
>against who?  Who with his right mind will buy that theory?  If this ritual
>report is to go by then,  then we are in serious, serious trouble.
>Agreed, it's too premature for one to rule out any possible causes  of
>these killings.  But it's our contention that we address the issues at hand
>and stop down playing the incident.  This is a national issue and it's
>incumbent upon every Gambian to help expose these deadly members of
>The Yahya Jammeh government should stop perceiving the opposition as an
>enemy. The Gambia is today at war and it's greatest enemy is those hiding
>under the cover of darkness to perpetrate  atrocities against our
>defenceless civilians.
>2004 is a difficult year for our impoverished nation.   Gambians and
>friends of The Gambia will continue to remember loved ones who died in the
>hands of enemies of freedom.  As we mourned the "Brufut eight", the
>mysterious death of journalist Deyda Hydara is still lingering in our
>minds.The government of Yahya Jammeh is still being  hunted by the
>journalist's death, as there is no justifiable clues yet, regarding the
>murder of journalist Hydara.
>The Brufut tragedy is a wake up call for Gambians that their some
>"misguided" elements in our midst hell bent on disturbing our cherished
>peace.  Gambians should remain to be "each brother's keeper" during this
>trying times our nation is experiencing.   We should stand up to be counted
>and end these madness.
>The National Assembly which had reduced itself to be Yahya's propaganda
>machinery should consider passing a bill to empower citizens to be armed.
>Yes, our civilians should be armed, since the APRC government could not
>guaranty their security.   When one talked about the issue of arming our
>citizens, some APRC big wigs will accuse you of trying to undermine state
>security.  Does such a call tantamount to undermining state security.?
>Hell no. It's a patriotic call and should be viewed in a positive light.
>In the West, once you are 18 years of age and above you are qualified to
>own  fire arms.  Such arms are subject to state control and monitoring,
>which is very encouraging.  This will help to control abuse and other
>criminal activities.  It's time for Gambians,  to start advocating for such
>a noble call to arm citizens.
>Having said this, we are urging the United Nations to send to a fact
>finding mission to The Gambia to investigate this genocide.  Africa cannot
>afford to see another Rwandan genocide.  We all know the end results of
>such atrocities. It's time to act now to avoid further secret killings.
>While the UN and other humanitarian agencies spent billions of dollars in
>rebuilding Rwanda, war ravaged Sudan, Sierra Leone,  Liberia and Ivory
>Coast,  enemies of freedom are still at work causing mayhem on the Africa
>continent.  The UN should embark on a conflict resolution in The Gambia now
>  to end further  genocide.  Is this the beginning or the ending of a
>genocide in The Gambia?  It's time to act to save The Gambia.
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