Father in Heaven please be with Jennifer and her fiances.  Help them to make the right decissions.  We know that in your word it says not to give the appearance of .  But you know the situation thank you Father in your precious name Amen

Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

> Hi all.  As most of you know, i am getting married in november.  I found out
> today from work that they want me to transfer in the beginning of august.  I
> can't tell them i won't transfer then because it is the end of our fiscal
> year august 31 and i could forfit my job.  Problem is though, that my
> fiancee and I decided that to save money... if i had to move in september or
> october we would just live together until the wedding.  We both don't really
> like the idea but it's like we have no choice.  I don't know what to do.
> I'm so confused... i don't know what is right and wrong.  Both my fiancee
> and I are born-again Christians, we will in no way have sex before marriage
> so if we made/make that pledge to god is living together before marriage a
> sin?  Is it wrong?  And what do i do if it is?  I know of other christian
> couples who have lived together before marriage.  I am just so scattered
> right now.  Please pray for clarity for me?  And above all, pray Gods will
> be done.
> I love you all.
> Jenifer Barr.
> When the trumpet blows... I'm outta here!
> AIM: jenibear1998
> msn
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