Oh great praise the Lord

Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

> I am done!!!! need to get Christa to help me look over the paper, but I am
> finished!!
> think I shall take a nap, really shouldn't want sllep well later, but...  I
> went to church today, the p woman I ride with ran the sound today, and her
> husband  is a song leader, so we stayed for both services, they have one at
> 9:00 that is over at 10:15 and another one at around 11:00 so I am tired.
> We got tacos after church, I am feeling more comfortable and am glad I
> decided to get involved again even though I was afraid to.
> Vicki how did your test go, did you ever see the score?
> Rhonda