Father in Heaven please continue to watch over Kathy and her family.  Keep them from harms way also touch Chris his girlfriend and her family.  Help Kathy and Greg to be a good witness for you and draw Chris's grilfriends family to you Lord in your precious name I pray Amen

Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

> Hi Guys,
> Please be in prayer for us today.  We may have to reveal, to Chris, the
> fact that we are at least doing some monitering of him.  We've learned that
> his girl friend is scheduled to go to planned parenthood today to get a
> proscription for birth control.  We believe that the right thing is to tell
> her mother.  If it were my daughter, I'd want to know, but when it comes
> loose, the outcome is under God's control.  Chris was driven home the other
> night by his girl friend's father, who was drunk.  I'm just telling you
> this so that you know the type of family that we are dealing with.  Never a
> dull  moment here, I guess.  Please pray that Greg and I listen carefully
> to the Lord's leading through all of this.  We don't want to blow our cover
> unnecessarily, but something has to be done.
> Kathy