<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I inadvertantly ommited some information when I posted my summary so here's
more.  [As usual, my obnoxious comments in brackets --- Somebody, STOP

Valerie in Tacoma
~ One respondant said she gets arthritis symptoms if she eats chicken or
~ Several respondants avoid night shade vegetables to prevent arthritis
flares.  Night shades are peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, chili powders,
paprika & eggplant.  [I used to work for a doctor who told of one female
patient's miraculous recovery from arthritis by eliminating nightshades.
The only down side was she became super sensitized.  She experienced a
horrible reaction when some tomato sauce was accidentally spilled near her
in a restaurant.  Sensitivity to that degree reminds me of gluten
sensitivity and I think it's possible that her food may have been
contaminated w/o her knoweldge.]
~ Avoid animal dander that you may be allergic to.  One respondant started
experiencing troublesome body aches & pains.  Her doctor theorized that
since she was allergic to horses & her roommate rode horses frequently, she
may be reacting to horse dander.  When her roommate began changing out of
her riding clothes before coming home from riding, the body aches subsided.
[Wow, huh?]
~ One person said that arthritis could becaused by adrenal fatigue &
recommended bovine adrenal extract and other treatments for this problem.
[It's only naturopaths & alternative MDs who are familiar with treating
adrenal fatigue.]
~ Several respondants volunteered that accidental gluten ingestion causes
them joint stiffness & pain.
From Paula:
~ Black cherry juice. This [has] antiallergic properties. [Often recommended
for arthritis pain as well as gouty arthritis.  So that supports the theory
connecting allergies to arthritis.]
~ Glucosamine. Unless you are diabetic or insulin resistant then you have to
watch the dose.  It can cause changes in blood sugar.  I am allowed the
condroitin to rebuild cartilage but not he glucosamine because of my blood
sugar.  Condroitin is some kind of protein product (fish or shark
cartilage?) that provides the amino acids to rebuild joint cartilage. [Not
recommended for those with shellfish or iodine allergies.]  Even though it
is usually sold with glucosamine, you can buy it by itself (Twinlab CSA) as
Condroitin Sulfate.
~ Avoid long term use of Ibupprophen.  [I love the way it makes me feel, but
hate the way it makes me susceptible to bleeding.  I'm definately looking
for safer alternatives.]
If you are having problems bleeding you might get your clotting time checked
or prothrombin on a blood test.  You may need vitamin K.  One of the signs
our daughter was severely sick with CD was she developed bleeding problems.
Vitamin K is synthesized in the gut; if you have gut inflammation
you get Vitamin K shortage.  Solgar has a pure Vitamin K pill that is in
micrograms.  She took it for a month (got the dose from reading on the
internet and in the Merck Medical Guide) then we started tapering it off
when she started to clot when she got a cut.  She can take aspirin without
any bleeding problems now that her body's stores are rebuilt and the CD is
under control.  [Nice to know.]
From Mary:
I have recently discovered that an aspirin allergy is causing neuropathy and
arthritic flare ups for me.
I had the arthritis under control via the GF diet until I started taking low
dose aspirin.  Then I started having reactions to a completely different set
of foods - those that are high in
salicylates: apples, cumin, etc.  The salicylates cause my hands and feet to
swell.  The reaction is quite fast - it starts while the food is being
eaten!  [Very interesting to note that avoiding high salicylate foods is the
basis of the Fiengold diet for treating ADHA.  According to Dr. Fiengold,
the worst thing for hyper kids is apple juice that contains very
concentrated amounts of salicylates.  I have a friend who's 11 month old
infant began sleeping through the night after she eliminated apple juice
from her daily routine.  I also have experience with a protocol for
fibromyalgia that limits exposure to salicylates.  It's interesting to me
that salicylates are effective as a treatment for arthritis for some people,
but a trigger for arthritis flares in others.  Shows to go ya' that EVERY

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