Hello. My name is Ellen Perlow. For my dissertation, I am researching the
preferences and perceptions of people with accessibility needs concerning
accessibility-related descriptors or terms used to describe people with
accessibility needs. As a self-identifying individual with accessibility
needs from birth, I am most interested in learning what other
self-identifying people with accessibility needs think about the American
English terminology that is used to describe us, and the opportunity to
empower ourselves as a class through determining the terminology with which
we prefer to be described. If you consider yourself an individual with an
accessibility need and are 18 years of age or older, your participation in
this research, which I believe will benefit us as a class, would be most
appreciated. I invite members of this discussion list to participate in this

As part of of the required preliminary informed consent procedure,
participants will need to
1)      voluntarily self-disclose as being 18 years of age or older; and
2)      voluntarily self-identify as an individual with an accessibility need
(without any further elaboration, inquiry, or recording as to the reason for
such self-identification).

Alternative formats, including large print, Braille, accessible electronic
format, audiotape, and sign language interpretation, will be available for
documentation and communication involved in the study.

The maximum total required participant time commitment involves
approximately 30 minutes:

1) to read and sign informed consent documents (5 minutes)
2) to rate in terms of relative positive, neutral, or negative quality, and
to indicate preference or lack thereof for a randomized set of fifty [50]
selected accessibility-related descriptors (10 minutes)
3) to respond to five [5] open-ended accessibility-related
questions/activities (10 minutes); and
4) to return documents via U.S. mail to the researcher in a postage-paid
envelope (5 minutes)

Your identity will be disclosed only in the Informed Consent to Participate
in Research and, if audiotaping is employed, in the Informed Consent to
Audiotape documents, both which will be kept separate from all data
collected and kept strictly confidential in a secure, locked cabinet at the
principal investigator’s home, accessible only to the principal
investigator. Except for these informed consent documents, no identifying
information is asked, collected, or reported as part of this research.

Audiotaping will be available for use by participants for accessibility
reasons, once express informed consent is given .  This consent provides
permission for the principal investigator to listen to and fully transcribe
the contents of the audiotape. In the case of participants who communicate
in sign language, the voice of the interpreter will be recorded.

The researcher realizes that accessibility-related terminology describing
people with accessibility needs varies among nations and cultures and has
changed and continues to change over time (Yuker, 1988, p. xiii). Because
this particular study focuses on accessibility-related terminology in
current (2005) American English discourse, the language of the
questionnaires, presentation, and supplemental materials, such as
directions, will be in current American English. Sign language
interpretation, as needed, will be provided.  American English need not be
participants' primary or native language. Documentation will be available in
alternative formats, including large print, Braille, audiotape, sign
language interpretation, and accessible electronic format (a 3 1/2"
diskette, IBM formatted with document files in accessible ASCII text

Since mobility and transportation are among the chief concerns of people
with accessibility needs, including the principal investigator, and an issue
in accessibility-related data collection (Nosek, et al., 2004, p. 8, 19),
data collection will take place at a number of assistive technology
conferences which the principal researcher will attend over the course of
the data collection period, June 2005-March 2006.  Attendees at these
conferences who voluntarily complete and sign the Informed Consent to
Participate in Research document are welcome to become participants in the
study. Notice concerning the data collection points at the conferences will
be posted (also in alternative formats) at the conference sites and on this
electronic discussion list.

Accessibility/Assistive Technology Conferences and dates of these
conferences that the Principal Investigator will attend:


1) Sunday-Tuesday, June 19-21, 2005: NAMI: The Nation’s Voice on Mental
Illness: 2005 National Convention, Austin Hilton Hotel, Austin, Texas:

2) Wednesday-Thursday, June 22-23, 2005: Texas Association of the Deaf
Conference, Austin, TX http://www.deaftexas.org/deaf/conference.html

3) Friday-Sunday, June 24-26, 2005: Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive
Technology Society of North America [RESNA] Conference, Atlanta, GA

4) Sunday-Tuesday, June 26-28, 2005: American Library Association Annual
Conference, Chicago, IL: events of the ASCLA Division [programs and meetings
which have a focus on accessibility issues]

5) Thursday, June 30-Saturday, July 2, 2005: SHHH [Self-Help for
Hard-of-Hearing People] 20th International Convention, Omni Shoreham Hotel,
Washington, D.C.; http://www.hearingloss.org/html/conv2005.html

6) Sunday-Tuesday, July 3-5, 2005: National Federation of the Blind 2005
National Convention, Galt House Hotel, Louisville, KY


7) Thursday-Saturday, October 20-22, 2005: Closing the Gap 23rd Annual
Conference, Minneapolis, MN: http://www.closingthegap.com/


8) Thursday-Saturday, November 3-5, 2005: Society for Public Health
Education [SOPHE] Annual Meeting, Hotel Intercontinental, New Orleans, LA:

9) Tuesday-Friday, November 8-11, 2005: Accessing Higher Ground: Assistive
Technology and Accessible Media in Higher Education, University of Colorado,
Boulder http://www.colorado.edu/ATconference


10) Thursday-Saturday, December 1-3, 2005: World Congress & Exhibition on
Disabilities: Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA;


11) Wednesday-Saturday, January 18-21, 2006: Assistive Technology Industry
Association Conference, Caribe Royale All-Suites Resort & Convention Center,
Orlando, Florida: http://www.atia.org/


12) February 1-5, 2006: International Conference on Aging, Disability, and
Independence, Hilton Hotel, St. Petersburg, Florida:

MARCH 2006

13) Monday-Sunday, March 20-26, 2006: California State University-Northridge
Assistive Technology Conference, Los Angeles [Airport]:


From June 2005-March 2006, the principal investigator also may attend  Deaf
community events in the North Texas area. See for instance:
http://www.deafnetwork.com/ .


In addition, individuals interested in participating in the research,
although unable to attend one of the events listed above, may contact the
principal investigator via e-mail at

[log in to unmask]

to inquire about and to arrange alternative meeting locations and times, as
well as alternative data collection methods accessible to a particular
individual, during the June 2005-March 2006 data collection period.

During the entire research process, you are welcome to contact the principal
investigator with any questions or concerns about the research at the
addresses provided below.

Your involvement in this research study is completely voluntary, and you may
withdraw from the study at any time without penalty.

Thank you very much for your interest in participating in this research.

Ellen Perlow, Principal Investigator
[log in to unmask]
P.O. Box 424244     Denton, TX 76204-4244
Tel.: 940-484-2770


Nosek, M. et al. (2004, January-March). The meaning of health for women with
physical disabilities: a qualitative analysis. Family & Community Health,
27(1), 6-21.

Yuker, H.E. (1988). Attitudes toward persons with disabilities: progress and
prospects. In: Yuker, H.E. ed. Attitudes toward persons with disabilities.
(pp. xi-xiv). N.Y.: Springer Publishing Co.

Check out EASI New Synchronous Clinics:
EASI Home Page http://www.rit.edu/~easi
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Check the EASI Library Web http://www.rit.edu/~easi/lib.htm

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