Amen Ned Our God can heal but he is also a sovereign God.  And like you said He uses weakness to show his strength.  I do not mind being weak to show his strength.  When I get down it is not because of my sight but other things like my finances and such.  Although I know if I had sight with the same education and such I would have a good job.  But God can even rise above that, and get me an even higher job if he would chose to.
Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> Thinking about that devotional reminded of a discussion that my sister and I
> had months ago. I had, in an email to her, praised the Lord and said that I
> thought it wasn't the Lord's will to heal me of my blindness because I
> believe that He is better able to use me without sight. My sister wrote me
> back and scolded me and shamed me for saying that and proceeded to tell me
> how it was the Lord's will for us all to be healthy and well and that I
> should never say or think that God wanted me to stay blind.
> Well, I smiled as I read it. There are so many evidences in the Bible of
> how God chose to use people because of their circumstances, disabilities or
> positions in life. He hardened Pharaoh's heart to save the Israelites and
> throught them to bring Jesus to save us and all the world. The disciples ask
> Jesus in John about the blind man "who sinned? This man or his parents"?
> Remember His answer? He said that it was neither but that God might be
> glorified. Like Job who said, "though He slayme, yet will I serve Him" I
> will praise and serve Him and be happy doing it if I never see again. What
> a small price to pay to own the jewel of great price.
> Ned