I nver birth a child but I know that had to be one of the hardest things a Mom haves to do.  But hopefully it will help him grow and bring him closer to the Lord.

Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> Rhonda,
> It wasn't just that I couldn't touch him, it was that I couldn't explain to
> him why he couldn't come home. He had no idea of the choice that we had
> been given. the chaplain has visited with him now and explained
> everything. I think that he is seeing how his actions are affecting a
> lot more people than he intended, but, as a mom, it hurts to say, "no, he
> can't come home."
> Kathy
> At 12:44 PM 5/11/2005, you wrote:
> >Oh! dear Kathy!
> >my heart aches for you,
> >having never been in your situation I can't say in total truth that I
> >understand, but I am a Mom and it hurts so to not be able to at least touch
> >someone we love, especially when that someone is our own child, so much can
> >be conveyed in a touch,
> >know I am praying with you,
> >Rhonda