Fathere in Heaven please touch Vivain.  We know that a mothers griefs is probably one of the worse to get over.  Help her to know she has you to help her through this very hard time and that she will be reunited iwth Jennifer in Heaven.  Because even though Jennifer may have made some bad choices and mistakes we know that she found you near the end and was able to speak with you personally.  So we have the asurrance that whe was taken into your arms with her new lungs and body.  Thank You Jesus in your Precious name I pray Amen
Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> In talking with George in recent days, I have learned some very unsettling
> things. I tried calling George one day this week and their answering
> machine came on. The out going message was still their daughter's voice
> recording the message. I said something to George about it that day and he
> said that Vivian will not allow him to change it. When I asked why, he said
> that his wife still believes that Jennifer is going to come walking up to
> the front door so she will not do anything with her clothes or personal
> things nor will she allow the answering machine to be changed because
> Jennifer is going to be resurrected. Now there are two things about this I
> want to say. First of all, I am the first in line to believe God can still
> raise people from the dead. Secondly, I am the first to say this isn't one
> of those cases where it is going to happen. I know why, too. Jennifer
> wanted to die. How do I know this? Jennifer told her older brother, he is
> married and has several children, a year ago, If I die, don't cry over me.
> Since Jennifer's death, they have discovered that her room is filled with
> all the drugs that Jennifer was supposed to be taking. They even were the
> some of the drugs that would keep the bacteria that killed her from
> developing. Sandy, my wife, types this sort of thing often. Young people,
> but it can be old people as well, often stop, at some point, taking their
> medications because they are sick of it. They decide in their heart, I will
> either live or die but anything is better than this. Jennifer was also
> living a lie the last three or four years of her life. Some of what she was
> doing was illegal and she was almost arrested once but George was able to
> fix the problem before that happened. Yes, Vivian knows all of this. So
> what's the problem? First, what Vivian is facing isn't all that uncommon.
> Her feelings are based upon several characteristics of grief alone but it
> isn't just the grief, in her case, causing, what we might consider, bizarre
> thinking. First, Vivian is holding herself responsible for her daughter's
> death. This is a lie of the Enemy, of course, but right now, Vivian doesn't
> know this. why? She is being deceived. Secondly, it is her own motherly
> instincts working against her. A mother is going to feel responsibility for
> her daughter, or son, including their behavior, sickness, problems, and
> everything else about them. Why? Because, they gave birth to them.
> Father's feel these same feelings for their offspring but for different
> reasons. Take my word for it; I know. In Vivian's situation, however, my
> spirit tells me that the death of their daughter is related to something
> earlier. For example, I know that her mother died about seven years ago.
> Only the Lord knows everything else that is related to the way Vivian is
> acting right now. George emailed me this morning and told me that he sat
> Vivian down and had a long talk with her last night. He explained that
> their daughter wouldn't be coming back and that their daughter wanted to
> die. Oh, by the way, Jennifer also told her brother, her saving hope was
> getting new lungs. If she didn't get those, she said, she was a goner.
> When the lung transplant was canceled, she said she was going to die. New
> lungs isn't the Lord. He was to be her focus; not new lungs because He can
> give someone new lungs if they are putting Him first in their belief system.
> Jennifer was not doing that. I know this for many more reasons than I am
> mentioning here. Regardless, last night, after George talked with his wife,
> she sat there as if she never heard a word and nothing has changed. So, as
> part of all of this that has been going on, I wanted you to know more so you
> could pray. Grief is a very odd thing. It can last for years. People can
> have their entire lives totally changed due to grief. Regardless of how odd
> the symptoms may be, grief is normal, up to a point, but believe me, as one
> speaking from personal experience, grief can mask attacks of the Enemy.
> When my mom died two years ago, the Enemy tried to fool me into thinking
> something about myself, related to my mother, which took several days before
> the dust settled enough for me to hear the truth from the Lord that set me
> free from a trap. What Vivian, and George for that matter, are facing, is a
> biggy but it is also just as big of opportunity for the Lord to bring
> healing to places that may have remained covered for their entire lives.
> Just keep praying for them when you think of them.
> Phil.