[this is my last post today]

from a recent issue of Science magazine:

Science, Vol 308, Issue 5725, 1161-1164 , 20 May 2005

The Highland Mangabey Lophocebus kipunji: A New Species of African Monkey
Trevor Jones, Carolyn L. Ehardt, Thomas M. Butynski, Tim R. B. Davenport, Noah
E. Mpunga, Sophy J. Machaga, Daniela W. De Luca

A distinct species of mangabey was independently found at two sites 370
kilometers apart in southern Tanzania (Mount Rungwe and Livingstone in the
Southern Highlands and Ndundulu in the Udzungwa Mountains). This new species is
described here and given the name "highland mangabey" Lophocebus kipunji sp.
nov. We place this monkey in Lophocebus, because it possesses noncontrasting
black eyelids and is arboreal. L. kipunji is distinguished from other mangabeys
by the color of its pelage; long, upright crest; off-white tail and ventrum;
and loud call. This find has implications for primate evolution, African
biogeography, and forest conservation.

Tom Billings
