>From: Adrienne Smith Date: Sat, 14 May 2005 12:16:04 -0500
>Any paleo gals out there have either keratosis pilaris and/or very dry skin
>on backs of upper arms or shins?  If so, did you find paleo eating helped

Yes I've had uncomfortably dry skin for years.  It got better when I went
pale and it quit when I started taking codliver oil.  Now I can use a little
lotion and my skin is comfortable until the next time I take a shower.  What
I used to have to do was shower, drench my whole body in oil and then still
feel uncomfortably dry in a couple of hours.  I went thru a lot of lotion.
But not anymore, I'm very happy with my skin now.
My husband has had extremely dry skin expecially on his face.  I read
somewhere recently that the lack of enough GLA in the diet was the cause of
some dry skin.  I started giving him evening primrose oil and in a few weeks
his face is cleared up.  Its still somewhat dry at times but a little lotion
solves the problem where before his skin flaked off like some people have
dandruff no matter how often lotion was applied.

I don't know about other skin conditions than what I have written about
here.  Hope this helps.