I was wanting a healing also Phil.  But we can be joyful that she got the ultimate healing.  Praise the Lord

Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> Ned and others,
> Believe me, George, especially George, appreciates all the prayers by people
> on echurch and he has thanksed me for posting such requests on echurch many
> many times. I have not heard from him yet today. It may be a few days
> before I hear from him again. Since Vivian isn't too happy with God,
> George, and me at the moment, I figure it is best just to wait till he has
> time to call. Odd, though, I literally believe Jennifer would be healed and
> walk out of the hospital as free as a bird up until George called ans said
> she had died. Vivian doesn't know this, of course, but George does. I am
> greatly thrilled to know she and the Lord apparently talked some things over
> before she walked into Heaven with Him because there are many things I have
> skipped and not reported on simply because it is so detailed. Now it is
> time to pray for Vivian and George, their marriage, and the healing that
> their relationship needs now. I am very concerned about Vivian and have
> been for many months. She is a great Christian lady and loves the Lord but
> is very confused about who God is now. rightfully so, I guess, because
> giving up your daughter to the Lord isn't easy. The Lord nearly killed me a
> year and a half ago, or so it seemed at the time, until I gave Him my
> daughter. The Lord will not allow any one or any thing to get between us
> and Him. He is either Lord of all or things can get mighty rough. vivian
> has placed her daughter before the Lord for many years. Some might say,
> well, she is with the Lord now so her mom cannot put her before the Lord
> because she isn't here. That's not true. Just because someone is gone,
> dead, or alive and at home with the Lord doesn't mean those of us who are
> left still don't have things out of order. So, I'll just keep praying for
> vivian like I have the last 18 months.
> Phil.