Heay Phil you might suggest to your sister to take a time management class.  She needs to put the teeth in the same exact place everytime she take them out.  Preferely right next to the sink in the bathroom or on her dresser where they will be every morning to put in. 
Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> My youngest sister, she is four years younger than I am,
> called me today to tell me a very unusual story.
> Our oldest sister, Saundra, is a Christian school teacher
> and has been for about 35 years or more. She currently runs a one
> room school out of her home with about 15 students.
> Saundra, as many of you have heard on echurch before, has a
> problem. She loses, or perhaps a better way of stating it is that
> she misplaces, her false teeth. She does this all the time. We
> have conducted many emergency prayer meetings for my sister over
> the years due to her misplacement of her teeth.
> So, Ruth, my youngest sister, goes over this week one day to
> volunteer, as she does a couple of times a week, in the school.
> It is just a few minutes before children are to begin arriving.
> Saundra is crying. Ruth quickly learns that our oldest sister has
> once again lost her teeth. Jere, my brother in law, was awakened
> by my sister at 4 o'clock that morning, hysterical about the loss
> of her teeth. So, poor Jere, has been hunting with her all over
> the house since early morning for the teeth. It is now 8 o'clock
> and children are walking in the door. My sister Saundra is now in
> a panic. Ruth pushes her, almost, into the classroom to begin the
> pledges to the American flag and the Christian flag and the pledge
> to the Bible. Ruth runs back and begins looking for the teeth.
> As she is frantically hunting, she prays, "Oh, Lord. Just let
> them drop from the sky and put them where we can find them."
> Unable to locate the lost teeth, Ruth turns and begins
> walking down the hall toward the remodeled garage which now serves
> as a one room school house. As she walks by their spare bedroom,
> she glances in. In the middle of the floor, with nothing around
> it in every direction, lay Saundra's teeth. Ruth snatches them
> up, stuffs them into her back pocket, and runs out to the
> classroom where she surreptitiously gives them to my sister. The
> day is saved.
> Later, my brother in law reported that there was no way
> those teeth were in the spare bedroom because he personally, the
> night before, ran the vacuum sweeper in that room and he would
> have seen them, of course, so guess who put my sister's teeth
> where they could be found? Oh, by the way, my sister would never
> lay her false teeth in the middle of any room. You wouldn't
> believe some of the places they have been found over the years
> either.
> Phil.
> Phil C Sharp
> The Coil Of The snake
> A Free Online E-Novel
> www.SafePlaceFellowship.com