Father in Heaven I lift up my sister Pat in prayer.  I ask that you would confort she and Vernon give them you preace thank you that everything will be oka with the x-rays For you have not given us a spirit of fear but sound mind.  I also ask that you help tho get Pat's Dad's roof on in a timely manner.  Also touch the heart of the renter, help him to have intigrety.  I know that is rare now days but you have it Lord and you can show it to him.  If he chooses to not have it.  Than he have to live by the consequences of his action.  Also Lord please help the business.  I how that is because of my own business not doing anything and when there is no business there is not money and we need money to pay the bills.  Help Pat not to be scared but to know that you take care of all our needs because we belong to you.  Please give Pat your peace and let her know she need not be anxious for anything.  For you care for a little sparrow how much more do you care for her.  You know the number of hairs on her head, all the stars in the ski and know each one by name.  So we know you know her needs even before she was aware of them. We thank you that her colon oscopy being ok and just routine exam.  We know you will do all of this Lord because you say you have not because you ask not.  Well we are asking so we know it is done.  Thank you Jesus in your very precious name we pray Amen
Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> My Dearest loving EChurch family,
> I have several prayer requests, please.
> 1. Please pray that Vernon's blood work and chest xray comes out good.
> 2. Please pray that we get the roof re-shingled on Dad's house soon.
> 3. Please pray that our renter realizes that when he leaves at the end of
> April, that he is breaking his lease and that his security and cleaning
> deposit is not refundable. He has already violated the lease contract as he
> has 3 pets in the house, and we asked that he not have any pets. It's in
> the contract he signed last fall.
> 4. Please pray for business to pick up. It is so very slow, and this is
> very scarey.
> 5. I'm scared about a few things, so please pray for no more anxiety for me.
> 6. Please pray that my colon oskopy goes well, and that they don't find
> anything wrong.
> Please know that I'm praying for you all.
> Thanks for praying.
> Lovingly,
> Pat Ferguson