On Mon, 4 Apr 2005 10:00, Jim Swayze wrote:

>Yes, the calculation of half of one's ideal
>weight comes from me via Rosedale.  His formula
>is actually a little more complicated, but
>I think my simplification works 90% of the time.
>You might add a few more grams if you're into
>heavy exercise.  But adding much more will
>only cause your body to convert the excess
>to glucose and then fat.

But if you are doing heavy exercise, there may not be any excess as the
protein will be used to repair and build muscle; it won't have the chance
to go into glucose then body fat.

Protein calories are unlike fat or carbohydrate calories.  The body
consumes protein the normal course of the ongoing process of cell
replacement and if protein is used for this purpose, it's not available
for any other.

Best thing is to exercise in a Paleo way and eat as much protein as you
like to recover from that.  If you find the protein is palatable only with
fat, then perhaps your body is telling you that it's not REALLY hungry.
