<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Wow, so many responses!

A lot of people suggested that I might have a problem with corn, because of
all the fructose derived corn syrup.  I did cut out all such products years
ago because of worrying about such things.  I cut out other suspect foods
also, such as soy.

Other suggestions were to avoid products with fruit skins.  Yeah, I
definitely realized I had that problem a couple of years ago. I especially
had problems withproducts containing red grapes skins (they contain a lot of
acid that can irritate the intestines).  I did much better once I stopped
those products.  I also think I have a problem with acid content.  I
tolerate apple juice much better, without the added vitamin C.

I did get response from some people, who really DO have a fructose
intolerance.  Wh
ile my symptoms don't exactly match, I'm going to cut out
major sources of fructose (i.e. fruit products) for now, and see how I do.
I (now) realize that there's even fructose in grains and vegetables, so I
may have decide to vary those also, but one step at a time. :)

Meanwhile, I did schedule a colonoscopy for about a month from now.  It's
definitely not fun, but since my father had a long history of colitis, I
want to make sure there's no such problem, and in case my food avoidance
plan doesn't help.

Thanks all!


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