I have a friend with a Toshiba laptop who called me this morning
with a problem with the modem.  The modem would not dial out and the
error message was that the dialing software could not access the
modem because it was in use by another device.  The modem has worked
previously and no new devices have been installed.  We tried
deleting the modem and reinstalling it but got the same error
message.  The software is installing it on Com-3.  We tried the
manual install and it would not let us select another port other
than Com-3.  I think the problem is an IRQ conflict but I can't find
where the IRQs are listed.  BTW, in Device Manager, it states there
are no conflicts.

Norton Anti-Virus says that there is a possible(?) clandestine
script accessing the modem and but the Norton message does not give
any directions on how to fix it.

The operating system is WinXP.  The laptop operates at 2.4 GHz and
there is at least a gig of ram and plenty of hard disk space.

Could it be a virus causing this problem?  If so, what can we do
about it? If not, what else could be causing this problem and what
can we do to fix it.



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