Oh Loving One!

I know how you feel. I don't know if my family will ever be saved.

Many lovings and squeezings.

Love you,
Pat Ferguson

At 06:27 AM 3/6/05, you wrote:
>Hi all, or I should say morning all.
>I am in an ugly mood, I should be happy I heard from my sister but I'm not.
>She is trying to tell me she is behaving when I know in her voice and
>manners she isn't.
>I know that God gives us the family He gives us for a reason but you know
>sometimes I just feel like throwing up my hands and saying ok God I'm done.
>But then I know that if something happened to any of my family I'd feel
>guilty thinking i'd not done enough.  I'm blessed with so much both in the
>world and spiritually but it seems nothing I do or can do helps my family
>because they want to but don't want to help themselves.
>I'm sorry all, I'm just rambling its one of those days where I don't want to
>go to church I don't want to sing I don't even know if I want to cry or what
>I want to do I just know that I am not sure how much more I can deal with.
>It seems as though I give my family an inch and they all take a mile.  When
>I say my family I mean my mom and my sister and even the children but I
>really can't blame them at all I know that they learn from my mom and Linda.
>Ok all, I think I'm through rambling I don't know if any of this made sense
>and I'm sorry if it is long delete if you like.
>Lelia Struve email [log in to unmask] msn [log in to unmask]