Hi Marylou, welcome!

Mag, almost 49, athetoid cp, advocate for civil rights for people with
disabilities. I live on my own with my two cats and have about 5 hours
assistance per day.

Free our people! More than 250,000 people with disabilities
throughout the USA say they want to move out of nursing homes.
Please ask your Congressperson to vote FOR the MICASSA bill, this
will allow medicaid funds to pay for community supports
instead of isolating the person in a nursing home or institution.
HR 910 is the bill number
Senate version of MiCASSA (S 401).

Oakland Mayor's Commission on People with disabilities
~Tamar Mag Raine~
[log in to unmask]
IM: tamarmag48

> [Original Message]
> From: Marylou Cockins <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: 3/3/2005 12:20:29 PM
> Subject: hello
> I am the mother of five children, three boys and twin girls. The second =
> born twin,Lisa,became ill with strep B mennigitis when she was a month =
> old. Now she has cerebral palsey; quadrapegic,non-verbal, tube fed, a vp =
> shunt and seizure disorder. She always has a smile and we love her so =
> very much. I live for the moment because I never know whats around the =
> corner waiting for me each day.
> Marylou C.