Father in Heaven please be with Rhonda and her mother.  Please heal her mom of any adiction.  Touch her heart help her to be addicted to you.
Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> It's happened again, just as I tried to tell my Dad it would when he didn't
> put my mother in to adrug rehab! she is in icu again, drug overdose,
> muscle relaxers, nerve pills, morpheme she is on a bbentilator, they are
> watching her, her blood pressure was 94 over 45 earlier, they are giving her
> some morphemes enough to keep her from going in to withdrawals,
> I hate to see this,
> it is such a sad sight,
> and knowing... that it could have been prevented
> Keep us in your prayers,
> I've been gone all day,
> behind on my class work, will go back tomorrow,
> Rhonda