Praise the Lord Phil.  God is showing Everet that he will take care of it and he will be praising the Lord.

Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> Over the last couple of weeks, things were kind of hectic at our
> house. Sandy went for her normal annual mammogram. The next
> week, the doctor called and said she had to return because there
> were some anomalies that showed up in the mammogram. She returned
> and had another mammogram, followed by an ultra sound, which
> showed at least one lump. A few days later she went in to have it
> biopsied with ultra sound equipment guiding the procedure. As
> most of you know, Sandy had cancer, a malignant melanoma, about
> six years ago. They removed the growth, she went through
> interferon treatments for 12 months, and she now has an excellent
> report on her health. Yet, when these things happen, it can't
> help but stir up old memories. We prayed about these things in
> our Friday night prayer meetings. My son, Everett, had a vision,
> or something like it one night, and told all of us what you are
> about to read below. My son asked that this be read by as many
> people as I know so I thought echurch would like to read about it.
> Sandy has told me that she has talked to our son in detail about
> what he saw, as far as the shape was, and it seems to match
> exactly what the doctor described in the ultra sound. All of this
> seemed to happen so quickly, and we felt caught off guard, that it
> seemed there wasn't much time to post anything to echurch at the
> time. Plus, other things were going on at the same time and it
> just didn't get posted to the list.
> From: Everett and Donna Scovell
> Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 9:27 PM
> Subject: it's GONE.
> As I was praying for my mom with her near brush with cancer again,
> I had a vision and in the vision we walked through the hallways
> following these dots so we would know where to go. We ended up
> in a room where my mom was laying on a metal table. When I say
> we, I don't know who we are, I just know I was not alone. A
> bright light appeared and a hand came out and reached into my mom
> and pulled out a very funny shaped black object, what I would
> call a rock, and held it over her chest. I kept asking GOD what
> this meant but he didn't tell me at the time. Easter Sunday I
> was driving home from my in-laws and saw the same thing again and
> asked the same thing but still nothing. Tuesday we were cleaning
> and listening to worship music. While I was listening, I was
> really getting into the music, and a worshiping spirit, so I
> stopped and started to focus on GOD, and I saw the same vision
> again, this time I didn't ask anything, I just watched as it got
> further and further away till it was a spec and then gone and then
> I heard a voice say, "IT'S GONE."
> Phil C Sharp
> The Coil Of The snake
> A Free Online E-Novel