The latest issue of "Fruit Gardener", the magazine of the California
Rare Fruit Growers (March/April 2005, vol 37, #2) has an article
re: wild strains of bananas in Borneo:

Borneo Expeditions for researching bananas
by Markku Hakkinen; pp. 14-18.

Anyway, the article has 2 photos of ripe, wild bananas on pg. 14,
and the bananas are loaded with shiny black seeds.

The article also mentions that wild bananas are much sweeter
than the supermarket variety. In Borneo no one eats the
wild fruits. Instead they pick the flower buds and use them
in salads.

[One can find banana buds for sale here in California - at least
at Berkeley Bowl - on occasion. Perhaps I will try them sometime.]

Tom Billings