On Wed, 2 Mar 2005 09:54:06 -0500, Todd Moody <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>>I don't have the book with me, but I'm pretty sure he does say that SFA
>causes/worsens IR.

I stand corrected Todd.  Your absolutely right -- on page 83 he says:"A
diet high in saturated fat promotes insulin resistance, and may increase
the risk of heart disease."  But then he contradicts himself by allowing it
after the first 3 weeks of the plan.

He actually seems more concerned about "excess" protein which he claims
causes "toxic" byproducts of ammonia and urea that he claims can overburden
your kidneys.  How much protein is too much appears to be another question
of the hour.  Here's a link to an interesting study someone posted on Dr.
Bernstein's website which discuss purportedly optimal dietary protein
amounts necessary during ketogenic diets if one is also exercising -- the
amounts are much higher than Rosedale suggests.


Maybe others will find Rosedale's dietary plan useful, but I'm sorry I
wasted money on his book.