Will the backers of Morro Sanneh (uncle/koto Sidi to some of you'll) please
rise and resume your defensive stance in the wake of his firing?  You'll did
a good job defending the indefensible.  Now that he's fired, are you going
to just sit there and play dead, or are you going to confront the Gambian
Dix for firing your beloved koto/uncle?  I feel no sympathy for this snake
and he deserved everything he got and then some.  Now, he will have to face
Gambians to explain his Judas behavior.  Not only is he fired, but he is
branded a thief.  We shall now see if he has a spine to counter his charge
of a thief, to question Yaya's assets.  Folks, please do not tie your horse
on that hope, for it will flee, because you'll find out that Morro is
spineless as well.  In order for the Morros, Mafys, Jannehs of this world to
get close to Jammeh, they had to have peddled some incredible stories about
some of us haters.  Just think about it, how can Amadou Scattred (Scattered
to some of you and rightfully so) get close to Yaya, much more drink Attaya
with him after he had roamed the hills of Tennessee and beyond being an
expert on Jammeh?  Do not be fooled, some of us were dinner on that table
where the scheming union was formed.  Same with Morro.  Mafy we all know he
used his kinship as well.  However, if Jatta can come back, Mafy can come
back too.  All it will take is to organize a "Bugarabu" session in the name
of "Tui" (cousin), and there you go.  It worked for Fams, Jatta, Kukoi, and
a whole lot of folks from "Sindola".  The rest is the job of the head
sycophants to figure out.  Let's see if the Dippa Kunda "bantaba" will
descend in Kanilai on behalf of Lie Conteh, this time around.  You'll
remember the screaming at the gates of State House when Lie was fired and
hired twice, the same day?  I am not aware of a "Njago" delegation, yet, so
my friend T is out of luck and may have to reserve a room in hotel BBJ for
now, that is if he does not cough it up.  "Waahi Maag Da Nah Goudei Waaye Du
Faanan Aalah".  Hopefully, this will be time for reflection for some of
these slimes.  It was just a few days ago that I talked about you all's
favorite uncle and warned you of his future embarrassment, not knowing that,
that future is now.  I better name more names now that I'm hot.  Better yet,
let me put that wisdom on the lotto so I can ease your burden to finance the
flushing out of the Gambian Dix.

However, this is also no time for Tony Daaba (Dix to some of you'll) to
celebrate.  The monster you created is going to consume you as well.  This
is why NADD needs to speed up their shuffle, so Gambians can get to the real
story that is the ill gotten loot of Yaya.  If you combine all that he
accused Morro and crew of stealing, it will not amount to a drop in the
"Benwarr" that Yaya heisted, in excess of $1 billion, from our poor and
impoverished nation.  Just his private jet dwarfed all these petty thieves'
escapades.  You add to that Crude Oil I and II (why is Idi Jobe not included
in his midnight parade?); the set aside with Ebou Jallow Jammeh (excess of
$30 million); the financing of a Zoo (which he needs to be an inmate
himself); Mansion and free electric and water supply for Kanilai; real
estate properties in Morocco, US, etc.; Land grabbing; hajj financing
(please don't tell me it was for Allah); the cars, shopping sprees, "sucre
Ndogu" (the private media definitely knows about this one), dishing out more
than D100 million since 1994; YDE; jet fuel; the many hidden accounts
(remember he was an under study of Abacha); and Tax Evasion, you'll.  This
list is by no means exhaustive, and just like he requested, Gambians in the
know are going to volunteer info. on him, some of whom are in his midnight
parade.  I know some of us love to play dumb when real issues are being
discussed, or hide behind religion, hope, and in severe cases denial, but I
will be damned if you miscount on this one.

Now, in the face of all this evidence, who in their right mind will take
Yaya seriously with his recent clown fest of a corruption raid?  The US
Embassy, British High Commission, Nigerian High Commission, and other
emissaries in that country know that this stunt of Yaya's is a farce and
both Bush and Blaire are perfectly aware of the criminal that is Yaya.
Their agents roam the L, Post, Talk, and I dare say the STGDP site, and they
are in tune with his schemes.  However, they are not going to liberate us,
that is a job for you and I to perform.  They have a role, but it is after
the fact - when we flood out the Gambian Dix.  NADD needs to wrap things up
now, so that the task of bringing down the Leviathan can commence.  Folks,
the Dirimo of Kanilai has given us lemons, what is NADD waiting for to make
Lemonade?  Please read below.

Neneh Macdouall Among New Cabinet Faces

Gambia Daily News (Banjul)

March 30, 2005
Posted to the web March 30, 2005

PRESIDENT Yahya Jammeh has appointed retired army colonel Baboucarr Jatta as
Secretary of State for the Interior, with effect from Tuesday 29 March.

Jatta a former chief of staff of the armed forces was until his appointment
the country's ambassador-designate to Cuba.

The President, with effect from Tuesday, also appointed Neneh Macdouall-Gaye
as Secretary of State for Trade, Industry and Employment. She was deputy
director-general at the Gambia Radio and Television Services, prior to her
new job.

The Office of the President, in a press release dated 29 March, said retired
colonel Jatta assumes the portfolio of Interior from Samba Bah, who was
relieved of his appointment the same day.

The President rescinded the reassignment of Sidi Morro Sanneh to the
portfolio of Trade, Industry and Employment announced earlier, and relieved
him of his appointment with effect from March 29.

In a further step to restructure portfolios, the President transferred
responsibility for Religious Affairs to the Seeretary of State for Youth and
Sports, the release added.

An earlier press release said the President has appointed Raymond Sock, the
solicitor-general and legal secretary, as Attorney General and Secretary of
State for Justice and National Assembly Matters, and Mr. Ismaila Sambou, of
Darsilami village in the Western Division, as Secretary of State for Local
Government and Lands, with effect from 24 March 2005.

Sock and Sambou replace Sheikh Tijan Hydara and Malafi Jarju both relieved
of their appointments the same day.

Relevant Links

West Africa

The release said Hydara and Jarju were dropped from the Cabinet "in the
light of the investigations and findings of the Presidential Anti-Corruption
Commission of Inquiry into the Assets, Properties and Activities of Public
Officers from the period 22nd July 1994".

President Jammeh, the release added, has with effect from 24 March
reconstituted his Cabinet and restructured portfolios by the following
appointments: Retired captain Edward Singhatey as Secretary of State for
Forestry and the Environment, Bai Mass Taal as Secretary of State for
Fisheries and Water Resources, and Mousa Gibril Bala-Gaye as Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs.

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